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IQ 83

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#1 Armin



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Geschrieben 23 Oktober 2014 - 07:37

Der SF-Roman IQ 83 von Arthur Herzog (1978 erschienen) soll mit Steve Carell in der Hauptrolle verfilmt werden. Das Drehbuch wird gerade von Charlie Kaufman überarbeitet.


comingsoon.net über den Roman:


You are Dr. James Healey and last week you were a genius. That was before the DNA experiments. Before the accident you said could never happen†¦ Since then you have felt your mind decaying a little more each day. You have watched your wife slip into imbecility. You have seen the crowds growing murderous with animal terror, the President of the United States babbling and drooling on TV†¦ Only one thing separates you from them. You, at least, know what is happening as you search for the cure for the horror you have unleashed upon the world†”as each day the dimming of your mind lowers your chance of finding it!



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