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Star Trek Bücher- Neuerscheinungen 2005

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#1 Kopernikus



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Geschrieben 28 November 2005 - 16:39

September 2005


Death in Winter
TNG- The Second Decade, Band 1
Michael Jan Friedman

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[quote]Long before Captain Jean-Luc Picard took command of the legendary Starship Enterprise,â„¢ he fell deeply and hopelessly in love with Doctor Beverly Crusher. Though, for one reason or another, Picard never acted on his feelings, he found a measure of contentment as Beverly's close friend, colleague, and daily breakfast partner.

But when Doctor Crusher leaves her position on the Enterprise to become the chief medical officer of Starfleet, the brightest light in Picard's life is taken from him. And he has hardly resigned himself to his loss when he learns that Beverly has been declared missing in action on a distant planet -- and presumed dead.

Kevratas is a bleak, frozen world on the far side of the Romulan Neutral Zone where the Federation has become the plague-ravaged natives' only real hope of survival and freedom. Starfleet has no recourse but to send in another team to try to save the Kevrata -- and Picard is the natural choice. Critical to the success of his mission are two colleagues who served under him when he commanded the Starship Stargazer -- Pug Joseph, a man with a past to live down, and Doctor Carter Greyhorse, who has served time for attempted murder -- as well as a Romulan who left his people years earlier and never expected to return. Together, they follow the trail of Beverly Crusher to Kevratas, determined to succeed where the doctor failed.

On the Romulan homeworld, meanwhile, the political vacuum created by the demise of Praetor Shinzon has been filled by his staunchest supporter, Senator Tal'aura. But there are those who oppose her, including Commander Donatra and the warbird fleets under her command, because of the way Tal'aura has mishandled rebellions on the Empire's subject worlds.

And one rebellion in particular; the movement for self-determination on frigid Kevratas.

So begins a desperate struggle -- not only for the freedom of the long-oppressed Kevrata but also for the soul of the Romulan Empire. Before it's over, destinies will be forged and shattered, the Empire will be shaken to its ancient foundations, and Jean-Luc Picard's life will be changed...forever.[/quote]



Vulcan's Soul, Band 1/3: Exodus
TOS, Band 131
Josepha Sherman, Susan Shwartz

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[quote]One year after the end of the Dominion War, the Romulan Star Empire comes under attack by a mysterious and alarmingly powerful enemy calling itself the Watraii, a species with a long-standing vendetta against the Romulans. Yet though they remain tenuously allied, the Federation, the Romulans and the Klingons are unready to become embroiled in another sustained conflict, forcing Ambassador Spock, Admiral Uhura, Admiral Chekov, Captain Saavik, and some unexpected allies to defy their governments in order to meet the new threat head-on. But the first blood drawn may prove to be among the dearest of all.

Unknown to the defenders, the secret behind the Watraii's attack is buried in Vulcan's violent ancient past, during the time of Surak himself, when the proto-Romulans--staunch opponents of Surak's reforms--were compelled to take their chances among the cold and distant stars. Now Spock must begin the first leg of a long and dangerous road to learn the truth... before his hopes for the future
become ashes.[/quote]


Wounds, Band 1/2
Star Trek S.C.E, Band 55
Ilsa J. Bick

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[quote]While travelling to a medical conference, the Runabout Missouri encounters a strange anomaly that send the runabout crashing to the surface of an unknown planet, its two passengers--Dr. Elizabeth Lense of the U.S.S. da Vinci and Dr. Julian Bashir of Deep Space 9--separated.

Each physician thinks the other dead, and each winds up trapped with the factions of a decades-old conflict between those that want to replace dying limbs with cybernetics, and those who want to remain pure. Trapped with no hope of rescue, both Lense and Bashir must find their way on a primitive world--or die...[/quote]


Oktober 2005


The Red King
Star Trek Titan, Band 2
Andy Mangels, Michael A. Martin

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[quote]Investigating the disappearance of a secret Romulan fleet, the U.S.S. Titan, commanded by Captain William Riker, is unexpectedly propelled more than 200,000 light-years into the Small Magellanic Cloud. One of the Milky Way's satellite galaxies, the Cloud is also home to the Neyel, the long-sundered offshoots of Terran humanity, with whom the Federation has had no contact in over eighty years.

Nearby, Riker's uncertain ally, Commander Donatra of the Romulan Warbird Valdore, rescues a young Neyel, the survivor of a mysterious cosmic upheaval that seems at times to be both unraveling and reweaving the very fabric of space... the fulfillment of an apocalyptic vision that has already claimed millions of lives. Titan's science team soon finds evidence that the ravaging of Neyel space is the work of a vast and powerful intelligence: the stirrings of a dormant consciousness that is maintaining the existence of the Small Magellanic Cloud--and all life within it--from one moment to the next. And if it should awaken, the consequences are unimaginable.

As Riker considers his options, his new crew struggles with the scientific and philosophical implications of what they've discovered... while the young Neyel in their midst forges a bond with the captain, conjuring old ghosts Riker has yet to lay to rest.[/quote]


Wounds, Band 2/2
Star Trek S.C.E, Band 56
Ilsa J. Bick

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[quote]Trapped on a strange world, Dr. Elizabeth Lense finds herself aiding the Jabari freedom fighters as their new medic, working with equipment she finds primitive on people wounded in their fight against the Kornak. All the while she hopes that her crewmates on the da Vinci might rescue her--and not blame her for the death of Julian Bashir...

Unknown to her, though, Bashir is alive, recovering in a Kornak military facility, where he becomes the focus of a power struggle between the medical and military personnel in the hospital. When the Jabari attack the hospital, Lense and Bashir find themselves on opposite sides of a conflict that can only end in tragedy...[quote]


November 2005


Distant Shores
Star Trek Voyager, Band 36
Editor: Marco Palmieri
"Da Capo al Fine": Heather Jarman
"Command Code": Robert Greenberger
"Winds of Change": Kim Sheard
"Talent Night": Jeffrey Lang
"Letting Go": Keith R.A. DeCandido
"Closure": James Swallow
"Isabo's Shirt": Kirsten Beyer
"The Secret Heart of Zolaluz": Robert T. Jeschonek
"Brief Candle": Christopher L. Bennett
"Eighteen Minutes": Terri Osborne
"Or the Tiger": Geoffrey Thorne
"Bottomless": Ilsa J. Bick

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[quote]Washed up on a faraway galactic shore, Captain Kathryn Janeway of the U.S.S. Voyagerâ„¢ faced a choice: accept exile or set a course for home, a seventy-thousand-light-year journey fraught with unknown perils. She chose the

latter. Janeway's decision launched her crew on a seven-year trek pursuing an often lonely path that embodied the purest form of the Starfleet adage "to boldly go..."â„¢

Committed to that difficult road, Voyager's crew was rewarded with unimaginable experiences on strange and fantastic worlds, encountering exotic alien species and astonishing phenomena...and challenged along the way by conflicts from within as well as from without. Yet none of their adventures tempered their shared determination to find a way back to friends and family.


Leseprobe zu "Da Capo al Fine"


String Theory, Band 2/3: Fusion
Star Trek Voyager, Band 34
Kirsten Beyer

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[quote]As the Cosmos Unravels

The disruption in the space-time continuum caused by the creation of the "Blue Eye" singularity continues: Thread by thread, the fabric slowly frays and peels away, breaking down barriers between dimensions. As the lines between realities blur, the consequences cascade.

A Sleeping City Awakes

Voyager pursues Tuvok to a long-dormant space station, a place of astonishing grandeur and wonder. Ancient almost beyond imagining, the city seduces the crew with the promise that their greatest aspirations might be realized. Such promise requires sacrifice, however, and the price of fulfilling them will be high for Voyager.

A Mysterious Power Stirs

Unseen sentries, alarmed by Voyager's meddling in the Monoharan system, send emissaries to ascertain Janeway's intentions. Unbeknownst to the captain, she is being tested and must persuade her evaluators that their contention -- that Voyager poses a threat to the delicate web of cosmic ecology -- is baseless. And failure to vindicate her choices will bring certain retribution to her crew.[/quote]



Out of the Cocoon
Star Trek S.C.E, Band 57
William Leisner

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[quote]Centuries ago, the S.S. Mariposa transported two sets of colonists--one a "back-to-nature" group called the Bringloidi, the other a collection of scientists--to new worlds. Over a decade ago, the Starship Enterprise brought the colonies back together as a solution to two problems--the Bringloidi had lost their home to solar flares, and the Mariposans faced a breeding crisis brought about by their use of cloning.

However, the union has not been as fruitful as Captain Picard had hoped, and now the S.C.E. team of the U.S.S. da Vinci has been called in to solve the Mariposans' difficulties--but will the solution be even worse than the problem?[/quote]


Dezember 2005


After the Fall
Star Trek New Frontier, Band 18
Peter David

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[quote]From the world's most popular Star Trek author comes a new novel featuring Captain MacKenzie Calhoun and his high-tech ship, the USS Excalibur. But everything is changing for the Excalibur and its crew...Elizabeth Shelby has been promoted to Commodore of the first Federation space station in sector 221-G, and MacKenzie Calhoun now reports to her. Burgoyne and Selar split up over their son's potentially fatal genetic illness. Si Cwan and Robin Lefler are married, and Si Cwan is elected president of the new Thallonian Republic, making Robin not only a Starfleet officer but also first lady. When the Thallionian Republic refuses to aid the Federation at a critical and deadly juncture, and Calhoun's ship pays the price, the Federation wants to sever relations with the whole of 221-G. But now the sector faces the direst threat to its very existence...[/quote]


Artificial Life Possibilities : A Star Trek Perspective
Dr. Penny Baillie-de Byl

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[quote]Artificial Life Possibilities: A Star Trek Perspective takes current academic research and practices and puts them into layman?s terms, allowing sci-fi buffs to explore and understand the technology behind the artificial life forms used in popular TV and film. It compares these life forms with current technology to see if we will ever actually be able to create such advanced beings. In addition it scrutinizes the artificial beings? physical specifications, programming capabilities, and metaphysical aspects such as personality and emotions. Each concept examined in the book is presented with examples from Star Trek episodes that included artificial life forms. The book reveals the mysteries of AI and explains where Star Trek writers may be right and where their ideas are impossible.[/quote]


Star Trek S.C.E, Band 58
Kevin Killiany

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[quote]While repairing an observation post, P8 Blue and Domenica Corsi find themselves caught in the middle of an interplanetary conflict on a pre-warp civilization--with one side unwilling to fight, even to defend themselves.

Unable to stand idly by and allow a slaughter to take place, Corsi and Blue must risk breaking the Prime Directive in a fight that they may not even win...[/quote]

Bearbeitet von Kopernikus, 07 März 2006 - 12:04.

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