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Another Kayleigh would be nice

Geschrieben von Armin , 02 Februar 2008 · 355 Aufrufe

Ich habe an anderer Stelle hier schon versprochen, dass ich mal noch ein paar Sätze von Fish zitieren will, in denen er sich darüber auslässt, was er sich von der seinen neuen Single „Arc of the Curve“ (die am 3. März erscheint) erhofft. Das deshalb, weil natürlich jeder recht hat, der sich wundert, warum ein Sänger, der absolut nicht hip und trendy sowie schwerlich MTV-kompatibel ist und ohne große Plattenfirma im Rücken dasteht, überhaupt auf die Idee kommt, etwas so Unzeitgemäßes wie eine Single zu veröffentlichen. Lauschen wir den Worten des Meisters, gefunden im Forum der Company Scotland:

There were a few questions as to the validity of releasing a single across on the MOLF so I thought I'd answer them and post across on the Union to explain the reasoning. Hope this makes sense!

We release singles to generate profile in the first instance.A play on Radio 2 gets to the ears of 60 million people or something. Combine that with a UK tour, articles in tabloids and locals, regional interviews and plays supporting relevant dates and it all comes down to name recognition.

If I just handed in the album it would be ignored by nationals, producers don't have the time or inclination to wade through 10 tracks and then have to pick one for airplay. They just won't do it and especially when there are scores of albums hitting them every week.You have to focus their attention on one song.Just to have an album track on a disc isn't that helpful, it has to be nominated as a single to get daytime plays. A single with a good edit less than 4 mins (Arc is 3.59) gets you in the door.

You pick what you think is your most "radio friendly" song, hire pluggers who have access to producers ears and hope that someone gives the song a chance.If it fits with format, the DJ likes it, there's a response from listeners and the "Old Grey Whistle Test" in the building/from other DJ's who listen to the shows/ next door neighbours etc it gets another play.Hopefully from there it builds up steam , people get confident about playing it and don't feel they are out on a limb.

Combine that with regional airplay and a couple of national media pieces and you move into the spotlight for an instant. That's when you hope to get a jump off into playlists and concentrated plays.
The fact that I am still "Fish out of Marillion" and "Kayleigh" is still the best known and most played track from either era is still in people's heads and the "are they still going/ are you still singing?" ignorance persists. Only by generating profile through radio plays with a current song gives you a chance of breaking out of that misconception.

It's all about creating media momentum and that can only be led by a single in the main.
If you don't take the chance you don't get the opportunity. It's always a gamble as well I know over the last 25 years and some songs I thought were surefire hits went missing (Sugar Mice, Just Good Friends and Gentlemans) and others went on (Incommunicado, Big Wedge,Credo)to get decent airplay.It's a lottery!
But you don't win if you don't buy a ticket!!

I took various professional opinions on this and nearly everyone said "Arc is the one to lead!"
I don't expect another "Kayleigh" although it would be nice
What I am trying to do is garner people's attention to the fact that I have a great album out. That is what we are always trying to achieve through profile with singles.

I could have gone with multi formats but it was going to be expensive and on advice I decided to go with a simple two track as the lead single and combine that with a download package which will include the lead track and 3 live tracks taken from the recent gig in Rome. I think most of you would find it easier and less hassle to download the package for pence, get the bonus tracks and if desired you can get the artwork package in stores. It's not a money making exercise so prices are kept as low as we possibly can to entice people to go for it.
For those who catch airplays that aren't on the forums or in the current know about the band (Just take a look at what happened after Aylesbury, those hits on the BBC web site weren't currently "active" fans!)it let's them know there is an album out and if browsing in a store they are far more likely to pick an album up on the off chance.

If "Arc" gets the plays then it just might happen as a single but anything it creates as far as profile goes for "13th Star" is more than welcome. It's a tool I can't ignore.

The single was put back to March 3rd as the national playlists were already being put together for Feb 25th. The new lead time gives me an optimum chance for my pluggers to influence radio producers and a release right on the UK tour provides more reasons for plays.

Your support either by purchasing either of the single formats or by e mailing stations is hugely appreciated. The one thing you can be sure of is that you can bet that Marillion will get a mention as much as I will! Laughing

Fingers crossed that I roll double sixes this time around!

Ich fasse das mal zusammen: Macht euch keinen Kopf wegen der Single, geht am 8. Februar in den Plattenladen und kauft euch das neue Fish-Studioalbum „13th Star“. Da ich schon seit ein paar Monaten stolzer Besitzer der limited edition bin, darf ich sagen: Das lohnt. Gutes Album.


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Armin Rößler
216 Seiten
ISBN 3-938065-16-8
9,95 Euro

Wurdack Verlag

nominiert für den
Deutschen Science Fiction Preis 2007
und den
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Armin Rößler
2. Roman aus dem Argona-Universum
Wurdack Science Fiction Band 9
ISBN 3-938065-25-7

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Wurdack Verlag

nominiert für den
Deutschen Science Fiction Preis 2008
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Kurd Laßwitz Preis 2008

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Kapitel 1 (4/7)
Kapitel 1 (5/7)
Kapitel 1 (6/7)
Kapitel 1 (7/7)


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Armin Rößler
3. Roman aus dem Argona-Universum
Wurdack Science Fiction Band 13
ISBN 978-3-938065-30-3

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Wurdack Verlag