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Dr. David Lavery

Geschrieben von †  a3kHH , 25 Dezember 2010 · 698 Aufrufe

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Auf der Suche im Netz bin ich über diesen Prof gestolpert :
Dr. David Lavery is Professor of English at Middle Tennessee State University (1993- ). The author of over one hundred and twenty published essays, chapters, and reviews, he is author / co-author / editor / co-editor of twenty three published or under contract books: Late for the Sky: The Mentality of the Space Age (Southern Illinois U P, 1992); Full of Secrets: Critical Approaches to Twin Peaks (Wayne State U P, 1994); †˜Deny All Knowledge†™: Reading The X-Files (Syracuse U P, 1996); Fighting the Forces: What†™s at Stake in Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Rowman & Littlefield, 2002); Teleparody: Predicting/Preventing the TV Discourse of Tomorrow (Wallflower, Columbia U P, 2002); This Thing of Ours: Investigating The Sopranos (Wallflower, Columbia U P, 2002); Seinfeld, Master of Its Domain: Revisiting Television's Greatest Sitcom (Continuum, 2006); Unlocking the Meaning of Lost: The Unauthorized Guide (Sourcebooks, 2006, 2007); Reading Deadwood: A Western to Swear By (Reading Contemporary Television Series, I. B. Tauris, 2006); Reading The Sopranos: Hit TV from HBO (Reading Contemporary Television Series, I. B. Tauris, 2006); Dear Angela: Remembering My So Called Life (Lexington Books, 2007); Lost's Buried Treasures (Sourcebooks, 2007, 2008, 2009); Saving the World: A Guide to Heroes (ECW Press, 2007); Finding Battlestar Galactica (Sourcebooks, 2008); Joss Whedon: Conversations (University Press of Mississippi, 2010); On the Verge of Tears: Why the Movies, Television, Music, Art, and Literature Make Us Cry (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2010); Screwball Television: Critical Perspectives on Gilmore Girls (Syracuse University Press, 2010); The Essential Cult Television Reader (University Press of Kentucky, 2010); The Essential Sopranos Reader (UPK, 2011); Joss: A Creative Portrait of the Maker of the Whedonverses (forthcoming from I. B. Tauris/St. Martin's); Owen Barfield (forthcoming in the Western Esoteric Masters Series, North Atlantic Books); Television Art (a textbook, forthcoming from Blackwell Publishing); Supernatural: TV Goes to Hell (forthcoming from ECW Press), and Television Auteurs (a book and web resource, forthcoming from UPM).
In Anbetracht dessen, daß seine Ausführungen zumindestens teilweise als pdf-Download zur Verfügung stehen und sich recht flüssig lesen, wie ich an Late for the Sky : The Mentality of the Space Age feststellen konnte, sollte man hier vielleicht etwas genauer hingucken und sich seine Ausführungen genauer zu Gemüte führen. Ich werde das jedenfalls.

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