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Veranstaltung: A Virtual Introduction to Science Fiction, in HH

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Erstellt von TheFallenAngel , 05 Mär 2012

Veranstaltungszeitpunkt: 03 Apr 2012 (Eintägige Veranstaltung)


A Virtual Introduction to Science Fiction

Universität Hamburg
03.04.2012 - 10.07.2012
dienstags 18–20 Uhr
Hörsaal K, Hauptgebäude, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1

An Online Teaching Project with Video Lectures

Countless stories in books, films, series and games make up the canon of science fiction (sf), the genre of popular literature and media that represents the success of mass culture like none other and has, especially since Hollywood discovered it (in films like “Avatar”) for its stunning creation of worlds, been growing in fan numbers by the year. Unfortunately though, even though media presence is growing and students express an interest in sf, the genre has been neglected by academia, especially in teaching. One problem might be that research in sf can mostly been found
abroad and many experts teach at US institutions.
This semester, the Universität Hamburg therefore promotes an innovative teaching project which tries to rectify this situation by gathering experts of sf virtually to teach via video lecture. The project thus combines a lecture series with a classic seminar approach and allows for weekly sessions on specialized topics. Experts will give “live” talks via the net, introduce their fields of study and then answer questions from the audience. In the second part of the session, the given topic will be analyzed via exemplary short stories and the thematic concerns of the lecture brought to a practical reading. Visitors of the lectures can participate in the seminar, if they are interested in further discussion of the topics.

What is Science Fiction? Some Thoughts on Genre
Prof. John Rieder, PhD, Department of English, University of Hawaii, USA

Proto-Science Fiction (History of Science Fiction up to the 1900s)
Dr. Brian M. Stableford, Department of English Language and Literature, University of Reading, UK

The Rise of the Pulps (1900s–1930s)
Dr. Zahra Janessari, Department of English Language and Literature, University of Tehran, Iran

Golden Age of Science Fiction (1940s–1950s)
Prof. Gary Westfahl, PhD, College of Arts and Science, University of La Verne, USA

New Wave of Science Fiction (1960s–1970s)
Dr. Edward Carmien, Department of English, Mercer County Community College, USA

Cyberpunk (1980s–1990s)
Prof. Pawel Frelik, PhD, Department of American Literature and Culture, University of Lublin, Poland

Slipstream and Crossovers (2000s)
Ass. Prof. Douglas Davis, PhD, Humanities, Fine and Performing Arts, Gordon College, USA

Science Fiction as Genre Film (1920s–1960s)
Ass. Prof. Alfredo L. Suppia, PhD, Institute of Arts and Design, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brasil

Science Fiction and New Hollywood (1970s–2000s)
Mark Bould, PhD, Department of Screen Media and Journalism, University of the West of England, UK

Feminism in Science Fiction
Ass. Prof. Ritch Calvin, PhD, Department of Women’s and Gender Studies, State University of New York, Stony Brook, USA

Race in Science Fiction
Ass. Prof. Lisa Yaszek, PhD, School of Literature, Communication and Culture, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Fandom in Science Fiction
Prof. Robin Reid, PhD, Department of Literature & Languages, Texas A&M University, Commerce, USA

New Media Forms of Science Fiction
Stefan Hall, PhD, Department of Communication Arts, Defiance College, USA

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