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Important: How to register

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#1 Gast_Michael Iwoleit_*

Gast_Michael Iwoleit_*
  • Guests

Geschrieben 18 September 2010 - 23:29

Dear readers and contributors,

to post messages and open threads you have to be a registered user of scifinet.org. For English-only users who will be confronted with a lot of German text, here's a short instruction of how to register:

- In the pink line on top of the page click on "Registrierung"

- First a text window will open explaining the general rules of the SF-Netzwerk forums. You have to agree with these rules in order to register. To do so click the check button next to "Ich habe den vorstehenden Text zur Kenntnis genommen und erkläre mich mit den Bedingungen einverstanden!" which means "I have read the above text and agree with the conditions". Click on "Registrieren" then.

(I will post a translation of the general rules in this thread as soon as I can.)

- A form will open, on the left side of which are required entries. First type in the name which you will use for login ("Anmelde Mitgliedsname"). This will usually be your real name. Then choose a name that will be used for your postings in this forum ("Anzeigenamen"). This can be a nickname but for the purpose of the forum I propose that if you use a nickname, it should at least be similar to your real name.

- Choose a password that you type into "Wähle Dein Passwort" and type a second time into "Passwort bestätigen" (confirm password).

- In the field below this type in your e-mail address and confirm it in "E-Mail-Adresse bestätigen"

- To prevent softbots from registering as users and posting spam, each new user has to do a security check ("Sicherheitsüberprüfung"). Type the two words that appear slightly distorted in the white field into the yellow-rimmed field below.

- The entries on the right side are not required and you can leave them as they are, if you like. In the first field you can choose if you want to receive e-mails by scifinet admins ("Empfange E-Mails vom Administrator") and/or by users ("Empfange E-Mails von anderen Mitgliedern ").

- In the next field you can select the time zone you are in.

- With the next six fields you can give other users an impression of your current interests. You may enter
  • the book you are currently reading ("(Buch) gerade am lesen")
  • the book you want to read next ("(Buch) als nächstes geplant")
  • the last book you have bought ("(Buch) Neuerwerbung")
  • the film you have just seen ("(Film) gerade gesehen")
  • the film you plan to see next ("(Film) als nächstes geplant")
  • the last film you have bought ("(Film) Neuerwerbung")
- To submit the registration form click at "Registrierungsformular absenden". You are reminded that by sending the form you accept the forum rules of scifinet.org and want to proceed. ("Ich stimme den Nutzungsbedingungen zu und möchte fortfahren")

- You will receive an e-mail with a link that you have to follow to complete the registration procedure. If you like I can translate the e-mail for you which repeats the terms and conditions of scifinet.org.

- After registration click on "Anmelden" on top to log in. You will be asked to type in your "Anmelde Mitgliedname" and your password. You are free now to post messages.

The use of the forum, I think, is self-explanatory and should be easily figured out even without German reading knowledge.

If you have questions, please send me a personal message or an e-mail. I will try my best to confuse you completely :fun:


Bearbeitet von yiyippeeyippeeyay, 01 April 2011 - 23:33.

#2 Gast_Michael Iwoleit_*

Gast_Michael Iwoleit_*
  • Guests

Geschrieben 21 September 2010 - 23:29

Hi all, here's a translation of the General Rules Within the Forum of SF-Netzwerk ("Allgemeine Regeln im Forum des SF-Netzwerk"): Please take your time for a moment to read these rules. If you agree with them and want to register yourself, click at the "Registrieren" button below. If you don't agree with the rules and don't want to proceed with the registration, simply click at the "back" button of your browser. For just reading postings no registration is required. Please note that we as the operators of this forum are not the authors of the postings. We don't guarantee or are liable for correctness, completeness or usefullness of any postings and are not responsible for their content. All postings express the opinions of their respective authors which not necessarily conform with those of the operators and administrators of this forum. Any user who thinks that a posting goes agains the rules explained below is asked herewith to notify us by e-mail immediately. We are capable to delete unwanted postings and will do this within an appropriate time when we think that a posting does not conform with the forum rules. You herewith declare that you will not post messages that are knowingly wrong and/or defamatory, abusive, vulgar, hateful, annoying, obscene or threatening resp. that violate the privacy of a user or established law. You declare that you will not contribute copyrighted material to this forum, with the exception that you are the copyright holder or that the forum operators are already demonstrably the copyright holders. Registration as a user of this forum includes the right to post messages and to download various electronic files. Please note that to avoid spam user accounts may be deleted without further notice in case that soon after registration not at least one subject-related message is posted or that the IP address used during registration is listed in spam lists. --- All the best Michael

Bearbeitet von Michael Iwoleit, 06 Oktober 2010 - 04:27.

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