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#1 Gast_Michael Iwoleit_*

Gast_Michael Iwoleit_*
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Geschrieben 31 Oktober 2010 - 16:23

Dear friends and readers,

I have just posted the following stories in
the fiction section of InterNova:

Milena Benini (Croatia): As Time Goes By
Guido Eekhaut (Belgium): A Conspiracy
Vandana Singh (India): The Tetrahedron

Have a good read!

All the best

Bearbeitet von Michael Iwoleit, 01 November 2010 - 16:50.

#2 fictionality



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Geschrieben 29 Januar 2011 - 09:24

Guido Eekhaut: A Conspiracy Though I expected a little bit more "classic science fiction" in this story, it is a pleasure to read nevertheless. A surreal description of what can happen when you think too much about time, dates and stuff ... Nice one!

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