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#1 Gast_Michael Iwoleit_*

Gast_Michael Iwoleit_*
  • Guests

Geschrieben 22 Dezember 2010 - 19:28

Dear readers,

as the last uploads this year - and kind of an introduction of the local scene where the InterNova project originated - we present a small special on current German science fiction, featuring:

In the fiction section:

Frank W. Haubold: The Eternal Song

Frank Hebben: Imperium Germanicum

Michael K. Iwoleit: The Last Days of Eternity

In the nonfiction section:

Michael K. Iwoleit: Some Remarks on Current German Science Fiction

We wish our readers fun reading, a merry Xmas and a happy new year!


Bearbeitet von Michael Iwoleit, 22 Dezember 2010 - 19:28.

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