Again, I hope this is an appropriate topic. . .
I've also really enjoyed the non-fiction articles on the various national/language segments of SF. Thank you very much for posting them. To complement them, I'd really appreciate links to sources/pages related to them.
I found the Islamic SF article a little weak only in that I'm not necessarily interested in reading about SF elements in the Quaran, but rather getting a survey, a la the articles on German, Chinese, and Hindi SF, mentioning writers, books, collections, etc. to look for, key ideas/themes, etc. I guess I will have to go and look for the "Mosque Among the Stars" collection.

Non-fiction articles
Erstellt von
Amy West
, Apr 01 2011 15:08
Eine Antwort in diesem Thema
Geschrieben 01 April 2011 - 15:08
#2 Gast_Michael Iwoleit_*
Geschrieben 01 April 2011 - 23:21
I found the Islamic SF article a little weak only in that I'm not necessarily interested in reading about SF elements in the Quaran, but rather getting a survey, a la the articles on German, Chinese, and Hindi SF, mentioning writers, books, collections, etc. to look for, key ideas/themes, etc. I guess I will have to go and look for the "Mosque Among the Stars" collection.
Dear Amy.
many thanks for your remarks.
The goal of the nonfiction section is mainly to publish informative survey articles of the kind you mentioned. But I'm also
interested in occcassional programmatic statements and to see how actual works will live up to these concepts. You may be
interested to have a look in our news section and follow the link to Achmed Khammas' article on Arabic sf that includes more
in-depth information. I will also try to convince Ahmed Khan to write a follow-up article with analyses of actual works and
how they relate to his ideas. As far as I know there are at least a few sf works that meet his definition of Islamic sf.
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