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Eine Antwort in diesem Thema

#1 Amy West

Amy West


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Geschrieben 04 April 2011 - 01:55

First off, many thanks to the overworked and underpaid InterNova staff for all your work. And an even bigger thanks to the translators! A suggestion for the future: How about also including reviews of international SF books or 'zines? (PS: electronic copies of Nova, don't have to be free: I've bought electronic copies of Interzone via Fictionwise. . . )

#2 Gast_Michael Iwoleit_*

Gast_Michael Iwoleit_*
  • Guests

Geschrieben 07 April 2011 - 05:06

A suggestion for the future:

How about also including reviews of international SF books or 'zines?

I'm not sure if we can manage this. Our focus is on new fiction. For news,
reviews etc. there's another source that, I think, complements InterNova
quite well and this is Lavie Tidhar's World SF Blog. Lavie started the project
a while before InterNova online was launched and with regard to diversity
and comprehensiveness of information he is still ahead of us. I can only
recommend it.


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