Dear readers,
I'm sorry that it so much time went by since the last upload. The work at Nova 18 and
the reorganization of our team after Ronald M. Hahn left the editorial board made a delay
inevitable. But now we’re back with the long-promised Cyberpunk special. We have just
uploaded in the fiction section six contemporary Cyberpunk stories from five countries:
Michael Haulica (Romania): Rons, Socketers and Knots
Frank Hebben (Germany); Memories
Vladimir Hernandez (Cuba): Semiotics for Wolves
Sven Klöpping (Germany): The Dope Machine
Zoran Krusvar (Croatia): Rentals
Richard Kunzmann (South Africa): Lost in Recollection
Further uploads are soon to follow. Wish you fun reading!
All the best
Michael Iwoleit

New Uploads, November 5th, 2011
Erstellt von
Gast_Michael Iwoleit_*
, Nov 05 2011 09:53
Keine Antworten in diesem Thema
#1 Gast_Michael Iwoleit_*
Geschrieben 05 November 2011 - 09:53
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