The Scale of the Universe 2
Viel Spaß!
Bearbeitet von methom, 22 Februar 2012 - 13:13.
Geschrieben 10 Februar 2012 - 21:31
Bearbeitet von methom, 22 Februar 2012 - 13:13.
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Geschrieben 10 Februar 2012 - 22:19
"What today's nationalists and neosegregationists fail to understand," Kwame said, "is that the basis of every human culture is, and always has been, synthesis. No civilization is authentic, monolithic, pure; the exact opposite is true. Look at your average Western nation: its numbers Arabic, its alphabet Latin, its religion Levantine, its philosophy Greek†¦ need I continue? And each of these examples can itself be broken down further: the Romans got their alphabet from the Greeks, who created theirs by stealing from the Phoenicians, and so on. Our myths and religions, too, are syncretic - sharing, repeating and adapting a large variety of elements to suit their needs. Even the language of our creation, the DNA itself, is impure, defined by a history of amalgamation: not only between nations, but even between different human species!"
Geschrieben 11 Februar 2012 - 15:29
Geschrieben 12 Februar 2012 - 23:05
Geschrieben 13 Februar 2012 - 01:11
Yay! KI-generiertes SF-Zitat Ende November...
"In the sprawling city forums of the galaxy, where chaos reigns and time flows differently, true power is found not in dominance, but in moderation. The wise use their influence to temper ambition with reason, and chaos with order."
(auf generierter Monolog von der Copilot-S/W - die ich hiermit NICHT bewerbe! - nach Aufforderung nach einem "s.f. quote" mit einem bestimmten Wort darin; ich ersetzte nur das 4. Wort mit "city forums")
Geschrieben 13 Februar 2012 - 09:03
Geschrieben 22 Februar 2012 - 10:02
Geschrieben 22 Februar 2012 - 13:13
Danke für den Hinweis. Ist korrigiert.Der Link ist tot...
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