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39 Antworten in diesem Thema

#31 Seti


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Geschrieben 28 Mai 2014 - 18:22


"What today's nationalists and neosegregationists fail to understand," Kwame said, "is that the basis of every human culture is, and always has been, synthesis. No civilization is authentic, monolithic, pure; the exact opposite is true. Look at your average Western nation: its numbers Arabic, its alphabet Latin, its religion Levantine, its philosophy Greek†¦ need I continue? And each of these examples can itself be broken down further: the Romans got their alphabet from the Greeks, who created theirs by stealing from the Phoenicians, and so on. Our myths and religions, too, are syncretic - sharing, repeating and adapting a large variety of elements to suit their needs. Even the language of our creation, the DNA itself, is impure, defined by a history of amalgamation: not only between nations, but even between different human species!"

- The Talos Principle

#32 Seti


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Geschrieben 29 Mai 2014 - 17:59


"What today's nationalists and neosegregationists fail to understand," Kwame said, "is that the basis of every human culture is, and always has been, synthesis. No civilization is authentic, monolithic, pure; the exact opposite is true. Look at your average Western nation: its numbers Arabic, its alphabet Latin, its religion Levantine, its philosophy Greek†¦ need I continue? And each of these examples can itself be broken down further: the Romans got their alphabet from the Greeks, who created theirs by stealing from the Phoenicians, and so on. Our myths and religions, too, are syncretic - sharing, repeating and adapting a large variety of elements to suit their needs. Even the language of our creation, the DNA itself, is impure, defined by a history of amalgamation: not only between nations, but even between different human species!"

- The Talos Principle

#33 Seti


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Geschrieben 30 Mai 2014 - 17:13


"What today's nationalists and neosegregationists fail to understand," Kwame said, "is that the basis of every human culture is, and always has been, synthesis. No civilization is authentic, monolithic, pure; the exact opposite is true. Look at your average Western nation: its numbers Arabic, its alphabet Latin, its religion Levantine, its philosophy Greek†¦ need I continue? And each of these examples can itself be broken down further: the Romans got their alphabet from the Greeks, who created theirs by stealing from the Phoenicians, and so on. Our myths and religions, too, are syncretic - sharing, repeating and adapting a large variety of elements to suit their needs. Even the language of our creation, the DNA itself, is impure, defined by a history of amalgamation: not only between nations, but even between different human species!"

- The Talos Principle

#34 Seti


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Geschrieben 31 Mai 2014 - 19:39


"What today's nationalists and neosegregationists fail to understand," Kwame said, "is that the basis of every human culture is, and always has been, synthesis. No civilization is authentic, monolithic, pure; the exact opposite is true. Look at your average Western nation: its numbers Arabic, its alphabet Latin, its religion Levantine, its philosophy Greek†¦ need I continue? And each of these examples can itself be broken down further: the Romans got their alphabet from the Greeks, who created theirs by stealing from the Phoenicians, and so on. Our myths and religions, too, are syncretic - sharing, repeating and adapting a large variety of elements to suit their needs. Even the language of our creation, the DNA itself, is impure, defined by a history of amalgamation: not only between nations, but even between different human species!"

- The Talos Principle

#35 Seti


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Geschrieben 01 Juni 2014 - 22:07

Kleiner Tipp: Das ist kein "Brainfuck", sondern ein Quiz...

"What today's nationalists and neosegregationists fail to understand," Kwame said, "is that the basis of every human culture is, and always has been, synthesis. No civilization is authentic, monolithic, pure; the exact opposite is true. Look at your average Western nation: its numbers Arabic, its alphabet Latin, its religion Levantine, its philosophy Greek†¦ need I continue? And each of these examples can itself be broken down further: the Romans got their alphabet from the Greeks, who created theirs by stealing from the Phoenicians, and so on. Our myths and religions, too, are syncretic - sharing, repeating and adapting a large variety of elements to suit their needs. Even the language of our creation, the DNA itself, is impure, defined by a history of amalgamation: not only between nations, but even between different human species!"

- The Talos Principle

#36 methom



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Geschrieben 02 Juni 2014 - 22:50

Kleiner Tipp: Das ist kein "Brainfuck", sondern ein Quiz...

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#37 Seti


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Geschrieben 03 Juni 2014 - 21:56


Damit wären die zehn Hinweise komplett. Wer bis jetzt nicht wusste, welchem Zweck dieser Thread dient (und das dürften wohl einige sein) – es handelt sich um ein Rätsel, denn all diese Zahlen und Wörter beziehen sich auf ein Lösungswort, das von uns gesucht wird. Kann es jemand von euch erraten?

(Vielleicht noch ein letzter Tipp: das gesuchte Wort wird bei einer kommenden Aktion im SFN eine zentrale Rolle spielen.)
Kleiner Tipp: Das ist kein "Brainfuck", sondern ein Quiz...

"What today's nationalists and neosegregationists fail to understand," Kwame said, "is that the basis of every human culture is, and always has been, synthesis. No civilization is authentic, monolithic, pure; the exact opposite is true. Look at your average Western nation: its numbers Arabic, its alphabet Latin, its religion Levantine, its philosophy Greek†¦ need I continue? And each of these examples can itself be broken down further: the Romans got their alphabet from the Greeks, who created theirs by stealing from the Phoenicians, and so on. Our myths and religions, too, are syncretic - sharing, repeating and adapting a large variety of elements to suit their needs. Even the language of our creation, the DNA itself, is impure, defined by a history of amalgamation: not only between nations, but even between different human species!"

- The Talos Principle

#38 Seti


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Geschrieben 05 Juni 2014 - 21:39


Die brasilianische Nationalmannschaft wurde 5-mal Fußballweltmeister.
Die Landesvorwahl ist die +55.
Bei Weltmeisterschaften schossen die Brasilianer bisher insgesamt 210 Tore.
Mit 2994 Metern ist der Pico de Neblina der höchste Berg des Landes.
Die Gesamtkapazität der diesjährigen WM-Stadien beträgt 644069 Zuschauer.
Charles Darwin betrat bei seiner Beagle-Expedition in Brasilien zuerst südamerikanischen Boden.
Die Nationalmannschaft wird als Seleção bezeichnet, was auf deutsch Auswahl heißt.
Im James-Bond-Film Moonraker starten die titelgebenden Raumfähren in Brasilien.
In einer neueren Simpsons-Folge ist Homer Schiedsrichter bei der diesjährigen Fußball-WM.
Dem Logo der WM 2014 wird nachgesagt, dass es an die Facepalm-Geste erinnern soll.

Schade, dass es niemand erraten hat – war vielleicht zu schwer. Ist aber auch egal, da es hauptsächlich als versteckte Ankündigung für das … *Trommelwirbel*

SFN-WM-Tippspiel 2014

… dienen sollte. Am 12. Juni geht es los. Mitspielen dürfen alle registrierten SFN-Mitglieder und die Teilnahme ist selbstverständlich kostenlos. Die Regeln sind dieselben wie beim SFN-EM-Tippspiel vor zwei Jahren haben sich etwas geändert und können hier nachgelesen werden.

Zu gewinnen gibt es dieses Jahr – passend zum Gastgeberland – ein Brasilienpaket, bestehend aus:
Ian McDonalds SF-Roman »Brasyl« & Terry Gilliams SF-Film »Brazil«

Wir freuen uns auf rege Teilnahme!

Das Mod-Team

"What today's nationalists and neosegregationists fail to understand," Kwame said, "is that the basis of every human culture is, and always has been, synthesis. No civilization is authentic, monolithic, pure; the exact opposite is true. Look at your average Western nation: its numbers Arabic, its alphabet Latin, its religion Levantine, its philosophy Greek†¦ need I continue? And each of these examples can itself be broken down further: the Romans got their alphabet from the Greeks, who created theirs by stealing from the Phoenicians, and so on. Our myths and religions, too, are syncretic - sharing, repeating and adapting a large variety of elements to suit their needs. Even the language of our creation, the DNA itself, is impure, defined by a history of amalgamation: not only between nations, but even between different human species!"

- The Talos Principle

#39 ShockWaveRider


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Geschrieben 08 Juni 2014 - 16:45


Verwarnungscounter: 2 (klick!, klick!)

ShockWaveRiders Kritiken aus München
möchten viele Autor'n übertünchen.
Denn er tut sich verbitten
Aliens, UFOs und Titten -
einen Kerl wie den sollte man lynchen!

  • (Buch) gerade am lesen:M.K. Iwoleit & T. Sieber (Hg.): NOVA 30
  • (Buch) als nächstes geplant:H.W. Franke "Hiobs Stern"

#40 Armin



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Geschrieben 08 Juni 2014 - 20:18

Hab' ich mir ja gleich gedacht Eingefügtes Bild

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