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Fritzsche, Sonja (Hg.): The Liverpool Companion to World Science Fiction Film. Liverpool 2014.

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Geschrieben 30 Januar 2016 - 13:26

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Fritzsche, Sonja (Hg.): The Liverpool Companion to World Science Fiction Film. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press 2014.

978-1781380383, 277 Seiten, € 106.



The Liverpool Companion to World Science Fiction Film offers critical insights into SF far beyond the more common Anglo-American narratives. Contributors take either a national or transnational approach, and stretch the geographic and conceptual boundaries of science fiction cinema. Recurrent themes include genre discussions, engagement with Hollywood, and the international subgenre of science fiction parody. Chapters contain a variety of perspectives and styles: from gender and race studies, to the eco-critical, and the post-colonial; from the avant-garde, to socialist realism, and the Hammer film. Edited by Sonja Fritzsche, the collection contains fourteen chapters written by specialists from around the world. Film traditions represented include Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Cameroon, China, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Poland, the United Kingdom, and the United States plus a chapter on digital shorts. From the dinosaur myth that became Godzilla to Brazilian science fiction comedy, from China's Death Ray to Kenya's Pumzi, this book will broaden the horizons of scholars and students of Science Fiction.

Eine Rezension von mir ist in der neuen Ausgabe der Zeitschrift für Fantasikforschung erschienen. Sie ist online hier erhältlich.

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Alles Wissenswerte zur Utopie im nichtfiktionalen Film gibt es in diesem Buch, alles zum SF-Film in diesem Buch und alles zur literarischen Phantastik in diesem.

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