Hier die Titelliste des fünften Band mit PKD Kurzgeschichten:
- 9 †¢ Die kleine Black Box †¢ (1994) †¢ novelette by Philip K. Dick (trans. of The Little Black Box 1964)
- 43 †¢ Der Krieg mit den Fnools †¢ (1994) †¢ short story by Philip K. Dick (trans. of The War with the Fnools 1964)
- 60 †¢ Unglücksspiel †¢ (1994) †¢ novelette by Philip K. Dick (trans. of A Game of Unchance 1964)
- 89 †¢ Ein unbezahlbarer Artefakt †¢ (1994) †¢ short story by Philip K. Dick (trans. of Precious Artifact 1964)
- 111 †¢ Schuldkomplex †¢ (1994) †¢ novelette by Philip K. Dick (trans. of Retreat Syndrome 1965)
- 143 †¢ Terranische Odyssee †¢ (1994) †¢ novelette by Philip K. Dick (trans. of A Terran Odyssey 1987)
- 188 †¢ Sie haben gestern einen Termin †¢ (1994) †¢ novelette by Philip K. Dick (trans. of Your Appointment Will Be Yesterday 1966)
- 220 †¢ Heiliger Eifer †¢ (1994) †¢ novelette by Philip K. Dick (trans. of Holy Quarrel 1966)
- 256 †¢ Erinnerungen en gros †¢ (1991) †¢ novelette by Philip K. Dick (trans. of We Can Remember It for You Wholesale 1966)
- 287 †¢ Einwand per Einband †¢ (1994) †¢ short story by Philip K. Dick (trans. of Not by Its Cover 1968)
- 300 †¢ Rückspiel †¢ (1994) †¢ short story by Philip K. Dick (trans. of Return Match 1967)
- 322 †¢ Glaube unserer Väter †¢ (2000) †¢ novelette by Philip K. Dick (trans. of Faith of Our Fathers 1967)
- 366 †¢ Die endgültig allerletzte Geschichte. Für Harlan Ellisons Anthologie "Dangerous Visions" †¢ short story by Philip K. Dick (trans. of The Story to End All Stories for Harlan Ellison's Anthology Dangerous Visions 1968)
- 367 †¢ Die elektrische Ameise †¢ (2000) †¢ short story by Philip K. Dick (trans. of The Electric Ant 1969)
- 392 †¢ Cadbury, der zu kurz gekommene Biber †¢ (2000) †¢ short story by Philip K. Dick (trans. of Cadbury, the Beaver Who Lacked 1987)
- 419 †¢ Ein kleines Trostpflaster für uns Temponauten †¢ (2000) †¢ novelette by Philip K. Dick (trans. of A Little Something for Us Tempunauts 1974)
- 450 †¢ Die Präpersonen †¢ (2000) †¢ novelette by Philip K. Dick (trans. of The Pre-Persons 1974)
- 487 †¢ Das Auge der Sibylle †¢ (2000) †¢ short story by Philip K. Dick (trans. of The Eye of the Sibyl 1987)
- 502 †¢ Der Tag, an dem Herrn Computer die Tassen aus dem Schrank fielen †¢ (1991) †¢ short story by Philip K. Dick (trans. of The Day Mr. Computer Fell Out of Its Tree 1987)
- 513 †¢ Der Ausgang führt hinein †¢ (1989) †¢ short story by Philip K. Dick (trans. of The Exit Door Leads In 1979)
- 540 †¢ Ätherfesseln, Luftgespinste †¢ (2000) †¢ novelette by Philip K. Dick (trans. of Chains of Air, Web of Aether 1980)
- 570 †¢ Merkwürdige Erinnerungen an den Tod †¢ (2000) †¢ short story by Philip K. Dick (trans. of Strange Memories of Death 1984)
- 579 †¢ Ich hoffe, ich komme bald an †¢ (2000) †¢ short story by Philip K. Dick (trans. of Frozen Journey 1980)
- 604 †¢ Der Fall Rautavaara †¢ (1986) †¢ short story by Philip K. Dick (trans. of Rautavaara's Case 1980)
- 618 †¢ Eine außerirdische Intelligenz †¢ (2000) †¢ short story by Philip K. Dick (trans. of The Alien Mind 1981)
- 623 †¢ Nach- und Hinweise (Black Box) †¢ essay by Philip K. Dick (trans. of Notes (The Little Black Box) 1987)