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InterNova Vol. 3 • 2023 available

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#1 My.



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Geschrieben 01 Februar 2023 - 17:47

Michael K. Iwoleit (Ed.)
InterNova Vol. 3 • 2023
p.machinery, Winnert, February 2023, 116 pages, PDF + eBooks
ISBN PDF: 978 3 95765 781 7
ISBN ePub 978 3 95765 782 4
Under the motto "New Fabulists" it includes the following stories:
Guy Hasson (Israel) "Editorial. Behind the Curtains of World SF&F"
Robert Jeschonek (USA) "With Love in Their Hearts"
Dafydd McKimm (Great Britain) "A Lady of Ganymede, a Sparrow of Io"
Jetse de Vries (Netherlands) "Connoisseurs of the Eccentric"
Gustavo Bondoni (Argentina) "Blossoms"
Adriana Alarco de Zadra (Peru) "Neon and the Snake"
Frank W. Haubold (Germany) "He Who Picks the Bones"
Frank Roger (Belgium) "Variant Readings"
Sven Klöpping (Germany) "Our Daily Bread"
Also the already classic story "Our Daily Bread" by Sven Kloepping (Germany) from one of the early issues of InterNova's mother magazine Nova and an insightful guest editorial by one of my veteran collaborators who I hold in high esteem, Guy Hasson from Israel.
A special thanks to our proofreaders. Nicole Ashfield and Tasha Bajpal have joined in with this issue.
Available online at https://internova.wo...19/january-2023 or for download (PDF, ePub, mobi, azw3) at https://www.pmachine...nline/in03.zip.
#Science-Fiction #Internationale_Kurzgeschichten #International_Short_Stories #Israel #USA #Great_Britain #Netherlands #Argentina #Peru #Germany #Belgium

#2 Gast_fancy_*

  • Guests

Geschrieben 30 März 2023 - 10:18

Gelesen und für gut befunden! 

Enthalten ist die beste Story von Sven Klöpping, die ich je von ihm gelesen habe. Wo ist der eigentlich abgeblieben? Davon würde ich gerne mehr lesen. 

#3 Rezensionsnerdista



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Geschrieben 30 März 2023 - 10:36

Ah, da ist das Epub - super

Podcast: Literatunnat

  • • (Buch) gerade am lesen:meistens viele
  • • (Film) gerade gesehen: The Whale, Everything everywhere at once, Zurück in die Zukunft III

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