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Star Trek Bücher- Neuerscheinungen 2005

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#1 Kopernikus



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Geschrieben 28 November 2005 - 15:19

Januar 2005


To Reign in Hell: The Exile of Khan Noonien Singh
The Khan Saga, Book 3 of 3
Greg Cox

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At last -- the untold chapter in the history of Star Trek's most notorious villain, KHAN. Searing and powerful, To Reign in Hell masterfully bridges the time period between Khan Noonien Singh's twenty-third-century revival in the Original Series classic episode "Space Seed" and his unforgettable return in the acclaimed feature film Star Trek II:The Wrath of Khan.

What truly transpired during Khan's long years of exile on the forbidding world of Ceti Alpha V, before the tyrant escaped to embark on a murderous campaign of vengeance against Admiral James T. Kirk? What horrific trials spawned Khan's insane lust for revenge?

Haunted by the memory of Khan's bitter accusations, Kirk now revisits Ceti Alpha V to discover for himself what ultimately drove Khan to madness. There, buried beneath the desolate surface of a dying planet, Kirk and his allies find the untold story of their greatest foe -- and of the woman who loved him: Lieutenant Marla McIvers of Starfleet¿.

Along with Khan's genetically engineered followers from the twentieth century, Khan and Marla are left on Ceti Alpha V with the hopes of building a new life together. Although the planet is savage and untamed, full of deadly predators and unexpected hazards, Khan dreams of carving out an empire even greater than the one he once ruled on Earth.

But when catastrophe strikes, laying waste to the entire world, Khan and the others find themselves trapped in a desperate struggle for survival. Now Khan must use every ounce of his superhuman strength and intellect to wage a fearsome battle against the planet, his people...and the growing darkness in his own soul.



Ex Machina
TOS Band 134
Christopher L. Bennett

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[quote]The Human Adventure Continues.

In the aftermath of the astonishing events of Star Trek: The Motion Picture, the captain and officers of the U.S.S. Enterprise remain haunted by their encounter with the vast artificial intelligence of V'ger... and by the sacrifice and ascension of their friend and shipmate, Willard Decker.

As James T. Kirk, Spock, and Leonard McCoy attempt to cope with the personal fallout of that ordeal, a chapter from their mutual past is reopened, raising troubling new questions about the relationship among God, Man, and AI. On the recently settled world of Daran IV, the former refugees of the Fabrini worldship Yonada are being divided by conflicting ideologies, as those clinging to their theocratic past vie with visionaries of a future governed by reason alone.

Now, echoes of the V'ger encounter reverberate among the Enterprise officers who years ago overthrew the Oracle, the machine-god that controlled Yonada. Confronting the consequences of those actions, Kirk, Spock, and McCoy also face choices that will decide the fate of a civilization, and which may change them forever.[/quote]


Captain's Blood
"Shatnerverse"-Reihe, Band 8
William Shatner, Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens

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[quote]Following the explosive events of Star Trek Nemesis, the Romulan Star Empire is in disarray, and Ambassador Spock attempts to render aid by launching a last-ditch effort to reunify the Romulans with their distant forebearers, the Vulcans. But when Spock is publicly assassinated at a Romulan peace rally, Starfleet and the Federation are unable to search for the criminals responsible without triggering an intergalactic war.

Thus, it falls to James T. Kirk, now retired, to investigate his beloved friend's murder. Given clandestine assistance by Captain Will Riker of the Starship Titan, and accompanied by his good friend Jean-Luc Picard, Kirk travels to Romulus as a civilian, along with his five-year-old child, Joseph, the cantankerous Doctor McCoy, retired Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott, as well as several members of Picard's crew, still waiting to return to duty on the badly damaged U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-E. But on Romulus' sister world, Remus, Kirk unexpectedly encounters an alluring enemy from his past as Picard and he discover Spock's apparent murder hides an even deeper mystery, literally reaching beyond the limits of the galaxy.

Trapped on a deadly, alien world on the eve of a Romulan civil war that could plunge the galaxy into a civilization-ending conflict, Kirk's investigation at last brings him to the heart of a staggering conspiracy. Now, he discovers the true threat facing the Romulans, and is forced into the heartrending realization that for peace to prevail, he must sacrifice the freedom of his son, whose very blood holds the secret to his startling destiny.

Captain's Blood is a return to the sweeping action of William Shatner's greatest Star Trek adventures, bringing together both generations to face an unstoppable enemy in a battle for the existence of all life in this galaxy, and beyond.[/quote]


Creative Couplings, Band 1/2
Star Trek S.C.E, Band 47
Glenn Hauman, Aaron Rosenberg

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[quote]]Fabian Stevens thought he was doing an old friend a favor by helping her and some eager young Starfleet Academy cadets test a new prototype vessel. Unfortunately, there's a practical joker among the cadets, but Stevens figures that will just keep everyone on their toes...

Meanwhile, Captain David Gold faces one of the greatest challenges of his career: marrying off his daughter to a Klingon ambassador's son. Unfortunately, the ambassador has very particular ideas about the ceremony...[/quote]


Februar 2005


The Worlds of Deep Space Nine vol II
Deep Space 9 - Relaunch, Band 17
"Unjoined": Andy Mangels and Michael A. Martin
"Fragments and Omens": J. Noah Kym

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[quote]Within every federation and every empire, behind every hero and every villain, there are the worlds that define them. In the aftermath of Unity and in the daring tradition of Spock's World, The Final Reflection, and A Stitch in Time, the civilizations most closely tied to Star Trek: Deep Space Nine can be experienced as never before... in tales both sweeping and intimate, reflective and prophetic, eerily familiar and utterly alien.

TRILL: They are a people with secrets. For centuries they kept their true nature hidden, even taking disturbing steps to protect the small population of near-immortal symbionts with whom a privileged few Trill are joined, body, mind and soul. They are a people who hold memory to be sacred, yet deny their own past. Now amid a whirlwind of scandal, accusations, and growing civil unrest, Ezri Dax must penetrate millennia of lies and deceptions, and rediscover what should never have been forgotten, before her civilization rips itself apart.

BAJOR: The honeymoon is over. Following the euphoria of Bajor's marriage to the Federation, the real business of making that union work has begun. But even on a world where politics and religion are intertwined, conflicting visions of Bajor's role in the interstellar arena divide the planet's leadership. As newly minted Captain Kira Nerys sets the tone for the kind of Starfleet officer she will be, First Minister Asarem makes a bold move to define Bajor's voice in the Federation, while the returned Benjamin Sisko prepares for a future that only he, as yet, can see.[/quote]

Leseprobe "Unjoined" (Trill)
Leseprobe "Fragments and Omens" (Bajor)


The Worlds of Deep Space Nine vol III
Deep Space 9 - Relaunch, Band 18
"Satisfaction is Not Guaranteed": Keith R.A. DeCandido
"Olympus Descending": David R. George III

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[quote]Within every federation and every empire, behind every hero and every villain, there are the worlds that define them. In the aftermath of Unity and in the daring tradition of Spock's World, The Final Reflection, and A Stitch in Time, the civilizations most closely tied to Star Trek: Deep Space Nine can be experienced as never before... in tales both sweeping and intimate, reflective and prophetic, eerily familiar and utterly alien.

FERENGINAR: Quark's profit-driven homeworld is beset with scandal as shocking allegations involving his brother's first wife, the mother of Nog, threaten to overthrow Rom as Grand Nagus of the Ferengi Alliance. Making matters worse, Quark has been recruited by Rom's political adversaries to join their coup d'état, with guarantees of all Quark ever dreamed if they succeed in taking his brother down. While Ferenginar's future teeters on the edge, the pregnancy of Rom's current wife, Leeta, takes a difficult turn for mother and child both.

THE DOMINION: Since its defeat in the war for Alpha Quadrant, the Great Link--the living totality of the shape-shifting Founders--has struggled with questions. At their moment of greatest doubt, their fate, and that of the Dominion itself, is tied to Odo's investigation of his kind's true motives for sending a hundred infant changelings out into the galaxy. As Odo searches for answers and takes a hard look at his past choices, Taran'atar reaches a turning point in his own quest for clarity... one from which there may be no going back.[/quote]

Leseprobe "Satisfaction is Not Guaranteed" (Ferenginar)
Leseprobe "Olympus Descending" (Dominion)


From Sawdust to Stardust
Terry Lee Rioux

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[quote]"From Sawdust to Stardust" by Terry Lee Rioux is the biography of the late DeForest Kelley, the moving life story of one of the most beloved Star Trek professionals ever, tracing his life from his days as a preacher's son in Georgia, to his career as a western actor, to his rise as a pop-culture icon in the role of Dr. Leonard McCoy, to his final days in California. The book includes commentary from many of his family, friends, and professional associates, and a black & white photo insert spanning his life. It'll be available in late January, 2005, right around the time of Kelley's 85th birthday.[/quote]


Creatice Couplings, Band 2/2
Star Trek S.C.E, Band 48
Glenn Hauman, Aaron Rosenberg
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[/quote]The practical jokes aboard the holodeck re-creation of the prototype vessel Hyperion have taken a turn for the deadly--the failsafes have been overriden, and Stevens, Tev, and a shipload of cadets, one of whom is probably responsible for their predicament, are trapped inside. Commander Gomez must help her crewmates solve the riddle, find the culprit, and free them all before more damage is done--and people are killed![/quote]


März 2005


Enemy Territory
Star Trek Gorkon, Band 3
Keith R.A. DeCandido

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[quote]The Elabrej Hegemony
For centuries, the Elabrej firmly believed that they were alone in the universe, and that no sentient life existed outside their home star system. But their beliefs are shattered when a controversial exploration vessel of their own making encounters-and fires upon--an alien ship. The aliens return fire and destroy them--then come to Elabrej to investigate...

The Klingon Empire
While exploring the uncharted Kavrot Sector, the I.K.S. Gorkon learns that their brother ship, the I.K.S. Kravokh, has been fired on by an alien vessel and subsequently destroyed it. After setting course to investigate this new people, the Kravokh disappears--but a massive alien fleet is gathering at their last known location. Captain Klag must determine what has happened to the Kravokh, and who this new foe of the empire is...[/quote]


Engines of Destiny
Star Trek Crossover
Gene DeWeese

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[quote]After the apparent death of James T. Kirk on the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-B, Montgomery Scott decides to leave Starfleet. A chance encounter with a mysterious woman named Guinan leads him to hitch a ride on the U.S.S. Jenolen--which crashes into a Dyson Sphere, leaving only Scotty to survive suspended as a transporter pattern...

Seventy-five years later, he is revived aboard the Enterprise-D--on which Guinan serves as bartender. But fate has not finished with either Scotty or Guinan. The engineer hatches an audacious plan to travel back in time and rescue Jim Kirk the moment before he would vanish into the nexus and bring him back to the twenty-fourth century without damaging the timeline.

Scotty's plan, however, does not go as expected. Though Kirk is rescued, the famed captain and the engineer, as well as Captain Picard, Guinan, and the crew of the Enterprise-D, are trapped in an altered past where there is no Federation, and no human race. Sarek of Vulcan leads a ragtag collection of species fighting a losing battle against the Borg, who have swarmed into the Alpha Quadrant and assimilated Earth.

Starfleet's finest miracle worker must find a way to restore the timeline before the galaxy is overrun...[/quote]


Small World
Star Trek S.C.E, Band 49
David Mack

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[quote]The da Vinci's latest mission involves bringing precious cargo to the Mu Arae system--and entire world that, through a miraculous feat of engineering, is being stored in a small, pyramid-shaped box. Unfortunately, a hostile species wants the pyramid--and it's amazing technology--for itself, and won't hesitate to go through the da Vinci to get it. To make matters worse, the caretaker of the world is in critical condition in sickbay. The S.C.E. must figure out the secret of the planet-in-a-box before they're destroyed...[/quote]


April 2005


Taking Wing
Star Trek Titan, Band 1
Michael A. Martin, Andy Mangels

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[quote]After almost a decade of strife again foes such as the Borg, the Cardassians, the Klingons, and the Dominion, the United Federation of Planets is at the dawn of a new era. Starfleet is renewing its mission of peaceful exploration, diplomacy, and the expansion of knowledge. Among the starships spearheading that endeavor is the U.S.S. Titan, commanded by Captain William T. Riker and manned by the most biologically varied and culturally diverse crew in Starfleet history.

But their mission does not begin according to plan.

In the wake of Star Trek Nemesis, Praetor Shinzon, slayer of the Romulan Senate, is dead. The power vacuum created by his demise has put the Romulan Star Empire, enemy of the Federation, at the brink of civil war. Competing factions now vie for control of their fragmenting civilization, and if the empire should fall, that entire area of the galaxy could destabilize.

To restore order to the region, Titan's long-anticipated mission of exploration is delayed as Starfleet assigns Riker to set up power-sharing talks among the Romulan factions. But even as the first tentative steps are taken toward building a new Romulus, the remnants of the Tal Shiar, the dreaded Romulan intelligence service, are regrouping behind the scenes for a power play of their own. With no other help available, Riker and the Titan crew become the last hope to prevent the quadrant from falling into chaos.[/quote]


Errand of Fury 1/3: Seeds of Rage
TOS, Band 135
Kevin Ryan

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[quote]Following the harrowing events of the Errand of Vengeance trilogy, tensions between the Federation and the Klingon Empire are the highest they've been since the Battle of Donatu V twenty-five years earlier. Even as Federation Ambassador Robert Fox engages in tense negotiations with the Klingon ambassador to maintain the peace, Captain James T. Kirk of the Starship Enterprise sees his vessel refit from a ship of exploration into a ship of war. The coming conflict will take its toll on many personal lives as well...

Leslie Parrish: The security supervisor is stunned to learn that she is pregnant by her recently killed lover, Jon Anderson--and that Anderson was, in fact, a Klingon spy, surgically altered to pass as human.

Karel: Brother of the Klingon agent posing as Anderson, and responsible for his death, Captain Koloth's new first officer faces a crisis of faith as he sees the Klingon Empire falling into dishonorable ruin.

Michael Fuller: Father of Enterprise security supervisor Sam Fuller, who was killed in a battle with the Klingons, his son's death reminds him of Donatu V, of which he was one of the few survivors. Has Fuller reenlisted in Starfleet and joined the Enterprise security team out of loyalty--or vengeance?

The first in an all-new trilogy![/quote]


Star Trek S.C.E, Band 50
Terri Osborne

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[quote]Without warning, a member of the da Vinci crew is found dead in his quarters. Lt. Commander Corsi's investigation is thorough and complete--and turns up nothing. With all the technology at Starfleet's disposal, with all the technical expertise of the ship's crack team of S.C.E. engineers, no forensic evidence can be found to explain the fatality. With the possibility of an unknown murderer on board, Corsi must use all her training to solve the mystery--before another body falls...[/quote]

Bearbeitet von Kopernikus, 07 März 2006 - 11:57.

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