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Star Trek Bücher- Neuerscheinungen 2005

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#1 Kopernikus



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Geschrieben 28 November 2005 - 15:57

Mai 2005

Hollow Men
Deep Space 9, Band 40
Una McCormack

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At the turning point of the Dominion War, Captain Benjamin Sisko of Starbase Deep Space 9, facing certain defeat by the relentless forces of the Jem'Hadar and the Cardassians, went through with a secret plan to secure the aid of the Federation's longtime adversaries, the Romulans. What began as a desperate attempt to save lives became a descent into an abyss of deception, moral compromises and outright criminal acts, as Sisko sacrificed every ideal he held dear in order to preserve the civilization that espoused those selfsame principles.

Now the aftermath of that choice is revealed for the first time as Sisko is summoned to Earth to take part in the first Allied talks to come out of the Federation's new partnership with the Romulans. But Sisko's conscience weighs heavily on him, compelling him to seek some kind of penance for what he has done... while elements within Starfleet itself set in motion a scheme to use Elim Garak as a pawn against a human political dissident who may hold the key to the outcome of the war.


Starfleet Corps of Engineers, Band 7 (ebooks 25-28)
"Home Fires": Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore
"Age of Unreason": Scott Ciencin
"Balance of Nature": Heather Jarman
"Breakdowns": Keith R.A. DeCandido

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After the catastrophic events of Wildfire, the S.C.E. crew of the U.S.S. da Vinci is in disarray. Half the ship's complement were killed at Galvan VI, and the survivors must put their lives back together. Corsi, accompanied by Stevens, tries to make amends with her long-estranged father. Abramowitz attempts to lose herself in her work, only to be confronted with an old rival--and her own emotional fears. P8 Blue goes home to find her world confronting a crisis that threatens the Nasat's very existence.

But it is Captain Gold and Commander Gomez who face the most difficult trials, as they find the road to recovery a difficult one. Each confronts demons from their past and the uncertainty of the future, leading to a bitter confrontation from which neither may ever truly recover...


Lost Time
Star Trek S.C.E, Band 51
Ilsa J. Bick

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Almost a year after the S.C.E. crew on the da Vinci helped Lieutenant Nog of Deep Space 9 salvage the hulk of DS9's sister station Empok Nor, a booby trap left behind by the Androssi threatens the Bajoran system. But the potential damage may be greater than the combined crews of the da Vinci and DS9 can handle, as the threat stretches across two universes--and their only hope for survival may rest with their long-dead crewmates 111 and Kieran Duffy!


Juni 2005


Articles of the Federation
Star Trek Crossover
Keith R.A. DeCandido

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In the wake of the USA Today best-selling A Time for War, a Time for Peace, and Titan: Taking Wing, comes a unique look into the halls of power in the Star Trek universe....

Following the surprise resignation of Federation President Min Zife after the disastrous Tezwa affair, Nan Bacco of Cestus III has won a hotly contested election to become the new chief executive of over one hundred fifty planetary civilizations and their colonies. But no sooner does she take office than the Romulan Star Empire falls into chaos. With tensions already high, a Reman refugee ship is sighted approaching a Federation outpost, its intentions unknown.

As the first year of the Bacco Administration unfolds, the Federation Council is slow to work with its new president, and not always supportive of her policies or her appointments to key council positions; a successful first contact suddenly becomes a diplomatic disaster; and the sins of President Zife prove difficult to lay to rest... as one celebrated Starfleet officer's career reaches a turning point.


Tales from the Captain's Table
Star Trek - Anthologie
Editor: Keith R.A. DeCandido
Introduction: Dean Wesley Smith
Captain Riker of U.S.S. Titan -- "Improvisations on the Opal Sea: A Tale of Dubious Credibility": Andy Mangels and Michael A. Martin
Captain Picard of U.S.S. Stargazer -- "Darkness": Michael Jan Friedman
Captain Shelby of U.S.S. Trident -- "Pain Management": Peter David
Captain Klag of I.K.S. Gorkon -- "loDnI'pu' vavpu' je": Keith R.A. DeCandido
Captain Kira of Deep Space 9 -- "The Officers' Club": Heather Jarman
Captain Archer of Enterprise -- "Have Beagle, Will Travel: The Legend of Porthos": Louisa M. Swann
Captain Sulu of U.S.S. Enterprise -- "Iron and Sacrifice": David R. George III
Captain Chakotay of U.S.S. Voyager -- "Seduced": Christie Golden
Captain Gold of U.S.S. da Vinci -- "An Easy Fast": John J. Ordover
Trade Paperback

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Somewhere, in a place that is both everywhere and nowhere, lies a tavern that is only open to captains. From throughout time and space, these captains come to share in their libation of choice and in their camaraderie--and the only price they have to pay is to tell a story...

In this follow-up to the best-selling Captain's Table series of books, nine new Star Trek captains belly up to the bar to tell their tales of adventure and romance, of triumph and tragedy, of duty and honor, of debts paid and prices exacted, including:

Jonathan Archer of Enterprise (NX-01), as told by Louisa Swann
Chakotay of the U.S.S. Voyager, as told by Christie Golden
David Gold of the U.S.S. da Vinci, as told by John J. Ordover
Kira Nerys of Deep Space 9, as told by Heather Jarman
Klag, son of M'Raq, of the I.K.S. Gorkon, as told by Keith R.A. DeCandido
Jean-Luc Picard of the U.S.S. Stargazer, as told by Michael Jan Friedman
William T. Riker of the U.S.S. Titan, as told by Michael A. Martin & Andy Mangels
Elizabeth Shelby of the U.S.S. Trident, as told by Peter David
Demora Sulu of the U.S.S. Enterprise-B, as told by David R. George III

From the weekly episodes of Enterprise to the monthly adventures of S.C.E., from the best-selling novel Serpents Among the Ruins to the best-selling series New Frontier, from the past tales of Stargazer to the new stories of Titan, from the glorious exploits of I.K.S. Gorkon to the post-finale chronicles of Deep Space Nine and Voyager, come nine new stories from the nine newest members of Star Trek's finest and bravest shipmasters.


Identity Crisis
Star Trek S.C.E, Band 52
John J. Ordover

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The da Vinci is returning to Hidalgo Station, a run-down old spacedock that has seen better decades, in order to pick up Commander Sonya Gomez from a much-needed shore leave. But when they arrive they find that Gomez has taken the station hostage, and is making insane demands--if they aren't met, she'll blow up the station.

No one is more surprised than Gomez herself, who is trapped inside Hidalgo's control center with no way out--and no way to stop her shipmates from thinking she's gone mad. Alone, the S.C.E.'s leader must find a way out of her trap before her shipmates take drastic action!


Juli 2005


Strange New Worlds 8
Star Trek - Anthologie
Editor: Dean Wesley Smith, Elisa J. Kassin und Paula M. Block
ST "Shanghied": Alan James Garbers
ST "Assignment: One": Kevin Lauderdale
ST "Demon": Kevin Andrew Hosey
ST "Don't Call Me Tiny": Paul C. Tseng
TNG "Morning Bells Are Ringing": Kevin Summers
TNG "Passages of Deceit": Sarah Seaborne
TNG "Final Flight": John Takis
DS9 "Trek": Dan C. Duval
DS9 "Gumbo": Amy Vincent
DS9 "Promises Made": David DeLee
DS9 "Always a Price": Muri McCage
DS9 "If You Love a Tribble...": Dayle Dermatis
VOY "Transfiguration": Susan S. McCrackin
VOY "This Drone": M.C. DeMarco
VOY "Once Upon a Tribble": Annie Reed
VOY "You May Kiss the Bride": Amy Sisson
VOY "Coffee With a Friend": JB Stevens
ENT "Egg Drop Soup": Robert Burke Richardson
ENT "Hero": Lorraine Anderson
ENT "Insanity": A. Rhea King
Speculations "Α & Ω" (Alpha and Omega): Derek Tyler Attico
Speculations "Concurrence": Geoffrey Thorne
Speculations "Dawn": Paul J. Kaplan
Trade Paperback

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Strange New Worlds VIII features never-before published stories spanning the twenty-third and twenty-fourth centuries, from the early days of Captain Archer and his crew, to the time of James T. Kirk and then on to the later generations of Captains Picard, Sisko, and Janeway. These exciting tales explore and examine the past and future of Star Trek from many different perspectives. Includes over fifteen winning short stories from The Original Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager and Enterprise eras selected from thousands of entries for their story-telling quality and fan appeal. A Star Trek anthology by Star Trek fans for Star Trek fans.


String Theory, Band 1/3: Cohesion
Star Trek Voyager, Band 34
Jeffrey Lang

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Lifting the Hem of the Universe

Spirits unbroken by the failed promise of the U.S.S. Dauntless, Captain Kathryn Janeway's indefatigable crew continues their odyssey of discovery through an enigmatic region of the Delta Quadrant, encountering a system inhabited by a species that, according to known physical laws, shouldn't exist.

These unusual beings, the Monorhans, hover near the edge of extinction; technology from the Starship Voyager promises life. Janeway, compelled by the aliens' plight, dispatches Seven of Nine and Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres to the Monorhan homeworld. But an unexpected shockwave crashes the shuttle carrying Torres and Seven, catapulting Voyager into a place beyond the fabric of space-time.

As B'Elanna and Seven wage an interpersonal war, Voyager struggles to prevail on an extradimensional battleground against an indefinable enemy. But fate has determined that one is inexorably linked to the other: the insurmountable chasm separating Voyager from her lost crew members must be bridged... or all will perish.


Fables of the Prime Directive
Star Trek S.C.E, Band 53
Cory Rushton

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Until the Dominion War, the pre-warp civilization on Coroticus III was under observation by the Federation--and then the Dominion moved in. Forced to abandon the planet--and leave a person behind--Starfleet does not return until after the war is over and the Dominion has pulled out.

Carol Abramowitz and a team from the da Vinci must now determine how much the Dominion contaminated Corotican culture--but that's the least of the S.C.E.'s problems, as they uncover a mass-murderer, who may be the Starfleet officer left behind...


August 2005


Star Trek Vanguard, Band 1
David Mack

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Returning from its historic first voyage to the edge of the galaxy, the damaged U.S.S. Enterprise journeys through the Taurus Reach, a vast and little-known region of space in which a new starbase has been unexpectedly established. Puzzled by the Federation's interest in an area so far from its borders and so near the xenophobic Tholian Assembly, Captain James T. Kirk orders the Enterprise to put in for repairs at the new space station: Starbase 47, also known as Vanguard.

As Kirk ponders the mystery of the enormous base, he begins to suspect that there is much more to Vanguard than meets the eye. It's a suspicion shared by the Tholians, the Orions, and the Klingon Empire, each of whom believes that there are less than benign motives behind the Federation's sudden and unexplained desire to explore and colonize the Taurus Reach.

But when a calamity deep within the Reach threatens to compromise Starfleet's continued presence in the region, Kirk, Spock, and several key specialists from the Enterprise must assist Vanguard's crew in investigating the cause of the disaster and containing the damage. In the process, they learn the true purpose behind the creation of Vanguard, and what the outcome of its mission may mean for life throughout that part of the galaxy.


Star Trek S.C.E, Band 54
Keith R.A. DeCandido

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When a new security guard reports for duty, it sets da Vinci security chief Domenica Corsi off in ways that confuse both her staff and her sometime lover Fabian Stevens. When Stevens confronts her, it only makes matters worse--until Corsi takes Stevens into her confidence...

Ten years ago, Corsi served on the U.S.S. Roosevelt. On a trip to the Federation world of Izar, Corsi was assigned to work with a local peace officer named Christine Vale to try to solve a multiple homicide. But the trail of evidence leads down a road Corsi refuses to take--a decision that will have tragic consquences for the young officer.

Bearbeitet von Kopernikus, 07 März 2006 - 12:00.

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