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Star Trek Bücher- Neuerscheinungen 2006

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#1 Kopernikus



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Geschrieben 28 November 2005 - 17:06

Mai 2006


Last Full Measure
Star Trek Enterprise, Band 10
Andy Mangels, Michael A. Martin

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Without warning or provocation a Xindi weapon appears above Earth and unleashes a blast that kills millions across two continents. It is only the first such weapon: a second is being built, and this time, it might very well destroy the entire planet. Desperately trying to save the Earth and her people, Starfleet must, in a heartbeat, change its mission from one of peaceful scientific exploration to one of military service.

There is only one ship fast enough to stop construction of this new weapon: the Starship Enterprise. But it's crew can't do it alone. Captain Jonathan Archer accepts aboard his ship a contingent of Military Assault Command Operations personnel battle hardened soldiers known as MACOs.

Starfleet and the MACOs are two different services now sharing a common goal, but they are divided as to how to reach it. It is a culture clash that echoes across the centuries of military service. The men and women now aboard Enterprise know they must succeed in working together or the price will be paid in the blood of innocents. Failure is not an option.


What's Past 3/6: Echoes of Coventry
Star Trek S.C.E, Band 63
Richard C. White

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A special six-part S.C.E. event that flashes back to previous adventures of the S.C.E. crew from the 23rd century to the height of the Dominion War, with special guests from all across the Star Trek universe!

2375: Before he joined the crew of the U.S.S. da Vinci as their linguist, Dr. Bartholomew Faulwell served as a Starfleet cryptographer during the Dominion War. Of the many missions he performed, however, it is the one he cannot discuss that still haunts his memory...

Faulwell is assigned with a team of specialists to a secret starbase near Dominion-controlled territory to listen in on enemy communications. At first the assignment is routine, but soon they discover vital intelligence that may change the face of the war effort!


Juni 2006


To Reign in Hell: The Exile of Khan Noonien Singh
The Khan Saga, Book 3 of 3
Greg Cox

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At last -- the untold chapter in the history of Star Trek's most notorious villain, KHAN. Searing and powerful, To Reign in Hell masterfully bridges the time period between Khan Noonien Singh's twenty-third-century revival in the Original Series classic episode "Space Seed" and his unforgettable return in the acclaimed feature film Star Trek II:The Wrath of Khan.

What truly transpired during Khan's long years of exile on the forbidding world of Ceti Alpha V, before the tyrant escaped to embark on a murderous campaign of vengeance against Admiral James T. Kirk? What horrific trials spawned Khan's insane lust for revenge?

Haunted by the memory of Khan's bitter accusations, Kirk now revisits Ceti Alpha V to discover for himself what ultimately drove Khan to madness. There, buried beneath the desolate surface of a dying planet, Kirk and his allies find the untold story of their greatest foe -- and of the woman who loved him: Lieutenant Marla McIvers of Starfleet¿.

Along with Khan's genetically engineered followers from the twentieth century, Khan and Marla are left on Ceti Alpha V with the hopes of building a new life together. Although the planet is savage and untamed, full of deadly predators and unexpected hazards, Khan dreams of carving out an empire even greater than the one he once ruled on Earth.

But when catastrophe strikes, laying waste to the entire world, Khan and the others find themselves trapped in a desperate struggle for survival. Now Khan must use every ounce of his superhuman strength and intellect to wage a fearsome battle against the planet, his people...and the growing darkness in his own soul.



What's Past 4/6: Distant early warning
Star Trek S.C.E, Band 64
Dayton Ward, Kevin Dilmore

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A special six-part S.C.E. event that flashes back to previous adventures of the S.C.E. crew from the 23rd century to the height of the Dominion War, with special guests from all across the Star Trek universe!

2265: Following the discoveries made by the U.S.S. Constellation in the Taurus Reach, Starfleet has fast-tracked the construction of Starbase 47, a.k.a. Vanguard. But the rapid construction has meant concomitant technical problems, ones that are vexing Vanguard's commanding officer, Commodore Diego Reyes.

So it's the Corps of Engineers to the rescue. The U.S.S. Lovell, with its crack S.C.E. team led by Lieutenant Mahmud al-Khaled, must solve Vanguard's technical crises so the base can become operational as planned.

A return to the 23rd century, in the tradition of Foundations and Where Time Stands Still, and a prequel to the acclaimed new novel series Star Trek: Vanguard!


Vulcan's Soul, Band 2/3: Exiles
TOS, Band 132
Josepha Sherman, Susan Shwartz

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Following on from the events of Vulcan's Soul: Exodus (hardback 0743463560: paperback 0743463579), a bloody war is raging between the Romulans and the mysterious Watraii. Ambassador Spock, pursuing his dream of ending the centuries-old enmity between Romulus and Vulcan, must find and penetrate the home base of the Watraii, where long-hidden secrets that link this newly-discovered people to the ancient Vulcan race are finally revealed. Through masterful use of flashbacks to an earlier time in Vulcan civilization, Josepha Sherman and Susan Schwartz bring the history of Vulcan to life as never before in a stirring tale of explorers who took their chances amidst the cold and distant stars


Juli 2006


Summon the Thunder
Star Trek Vanguard, Band 2
Dayton Ward, Kevin Dilmore

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The Taurus Reach: a remote interstellar expanse that holds a very old and potentially cataclysmic secret, the truth of which is feared by the Tholians, coveted by the Klingons, and dubiously guarded by the Federation. At the centre of this intrigue is Vanguard, a Federation starbase populated by an eclectic mix of Starfleet officers and civilians whose lives are forever altered as they explore the layers of mystery surrounding the Reach and steadily peel them away...But deep within the Taurus Reach, an ancient and powerful alien mind has awakened prematurely from aeons of hibernation, alerted to the upstart civilisations now daring to encroach upon the worlds in her care. With the stakes for all sides escalating rapidly, the alien lashes out with deadly force against the interlopers, propelling the Vanguard crew on a desperate race to understand the nature of the attacker and to prevent the Taurus Reach from becoming a war zone.


What's Past 5/6: 10 is better than 01
Star Trek S.C.E, Band 65
Autor: Heather Jarman


August 2005


Captain's Glory
"Shatnerverse"-Zyklus, Band 9
William Shatner, Judith & Garfield Reeves-Stevens

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During James T. Kirk's heroic five-year mission as captain of the Starship Enterprise, a mysterious alien threat called "The Totality" commenced its stealthy invasion of our galaxy, intending to conquer the Milky Way Galaxy as it had conquered the galaxy of Andromeda. Now the time for secrecy has passed, and a war unlike any other has begun--one that threatens to destroy the Federation, first by bringing warp travel to an end, and then by absorbing all living matter into a realm that exists beyond human knowledge.

Twice before, Captain Kirk has encountered the Totality. Both times it took the beguiling form of Norinda, an irresistible alien who becomes the woman each person she meets most desperately desires. In his first encounter, Kirk almost lost the Enterprise. In his second encounter, he almost lost his child, and watched in horror as the Totality absorbed Spock in its monstrous dimensional tendrils. But now, Kirk faces an even more devastating personal challenge because battle lines have been drawn, and he and his friend, Captain Jean-Luc Picard are on opposite sides.

Set more than a year after the events of Star Trek Nemesis, on the leading edge of Star Trek's future history, CAPTAIN'S GLORY depicts a Federation attacked from within, on the brink of collapse, with Earth's own solar system an armed and isolated camp. Reunited with Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy and Chief Engineer Scott, Kirk must join forces with Admiral Kathryn Janeway and the Starship Voyager's Holographic Doctor in order to save Spock and expose the true nature of the Totality.

With Captain William Riker and Commander Deanna Troi of the Starship Titan caught in the conflict between Kirk and Picard, and with Kirk's own child poised on the brink of a startling destiny millions of years in the making, Kirk must prepare for his third and final encounter with the Totality. But how can Kirk fight an enemy whose greatest weapon is love? And how can he triumph, when the price of victory is the life of his only child?


Strange New Worlds 9
Star Trek - Anthologie
Editor: Dean Wesley Smith, Elisa J. Kassin, Paula M. Block

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The Original Series:

"Gone Native" -- John Coffren
"A Bad Day for Koloth" -- David DeLee
"Book of Fulfillment" -- Steven Costa
"The Smallest Choices" -- Jeremy Yoder

The Next Generation:

"Staying the Course" -- Paul C. Tseng
"Home Soil" -- Jim Johnson
"Terra Tonight" -- Scott Pearson
"Solace in Bloom" -- Jeff D. Jacques

Deep Space Nine:

"Shadowed Allies" -- Emily P. Bloch
"Living on the Edge of Existence" -- Gerri Leen
"The Last Tree on Ferenginar: A Ferengi Fable From the Future" -- Mike McDevitt
"The Tribbles' Pagh" -- Ryan M. Williams


"Choices" -- Susan S. McCrackin, SECOND PRIZE
"Unconventional Cures" -- Russ Crossley
"Maturation" -- Catherine E. Pike


"Rounding a Corner Already Turned" -- Allison Cain
"Mother Nature's Little Reminders" -- A. Rhea King
"Mestral" -- Ben Guilfoy, THIRD PRIZE


"Remembering the Future" -- Randy Tatano
"Rocket Man" -- Kenneth E. Carper
"The Rules of War" -- Kevin Lauderdale
"The Immortality Blues" -- Marc Carlson
"Orphans" -- R.S. Belcher, GRAND PRIZE


Burning Dreams
Star Trek TOS, Band 138
Margeret Wander Bonanno
(Zeitgleich auch als ebook erhältlich)

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Before James T. Kirk, another captain stood on the bridge of the U.S.S. Enterpriseâ„¢, spearheading its mission of exploration into the uncharted reaches of the galaxy. He was a man driven to perfection, a brooding soul whose haunted eyes reflected the burden of the impossible standards he set for himself, and for whom his longtime science officer, Spock, one day would risk everything. Yet, little is truly known about the enigmatic Christopher Pike, the events that defined him...or the secrets that consumed him.

From the embers of his early childhood among Earth's blossoming interstellar colonies, to the terrifying conflagration that led him back to the world of his birth; from the mentor who would ignite young Chris's desire to return to the stars, to the career he blazed in Starfleet that would end in supreme sacrifice -- the path of Pike's astonishing life leads through fire again and again. But even amid the ashes of Talos IV, the forbidden world on which he would live out the remainder of his days, the dreams smoldering still within his aging, radiation-ravaged breast fan the flames of Pike's spirit to accomplish one final task....


Vulcan's Glory
TOS, Band 49
D.C. Fontana
Jubiläums-Reprint "40 Jahre Star Trek"

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Years before he came to be known as the best first officer in the fleet, Spock was a conflicted young ensign, serving on the Starship Enterpriseâ„¢ under Captain Christopher Pike. Struggling to reconcile his many obligations -- those forced on him by his Vulcan heritage, and those chosen by him upon his enrollment in Starfleet Academy -- Spock must also balance the desires of his own heart.

Those conflicting demands intersect during a mission to retrieve one of his world's most sacred artifacts, a relic of Vulcan's ancient past -- the search for which will reveal dark and deadly secrets, forever altering the course of Spock's life and defining the man he became.

A classic tale from D. C. Fontana, one of Star Trek®'s original producers and the writer of such classic episodes as "Journey to Babel" and "This Side of Paradise."


Strangers from the Sky
TOS, Band 37
Margaret Wander Bonanno
Jubiläums-Reprint "40 Jahre Star Trek"
(Zeitgleich auch als ebook erhältlich)

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n the twenty-first century: Years before the formal first contact that would be recorded in Earth's history, a Vulcan space vessel crash-lands in the South Pacific, forcing humanity to decide whether to offer the hand of friendship, or the fist of war. Complicating matters is a second visitation: a group of people from two hundred years in the future, who serve on a starship called Enterprise....

In the twenty-third century: A new novel called Strangers from the Sky reveals the truth about this heretofore unknown first contact. Reading the novel leads to nightmares that torment Admiral James T. Kirk -- dreams of his dead comrades, Gary Mitchell, Lee Kelso, and Elizabeth Dehner, from his earliest days aboard the U.S.S. Enterpriseâ„¢; visions of a forgotten past in which he somehow changed the course of history and destroyed the Federation before it began.


What's Past 6/6: Many Splendors
Star Trek S.C.E, Band 66
Keith R.A. DeCandido


Mere Anarchy, Band 1: Things fall Apart
Dayton Ward, Kevin Dilmore

Mestiko: a world on the brink of interstellar space travel--and under covert Federation observation. When the Payav, Mestiko's dominant nation, learns of a rogue pulsar sweeping through their star system and threatening to destroy all life on their planet, the Federation is faced with a daunting choice: stand by and witness the extinction of a thriving civilization, or violate the Prime Directive and mount a desperate effort to protect the planet from total devastation.

The Starship Enterprise, newly under the command of James T. Kirk, is sent to aid the doomed planet. Kirk and his officers--Spock, Mitchell, Kelso, Scott, Sulu, and Dr. Piper--must use an experimental, untested technology to save the planet before it's too late!

A new eBook from the authors of A Time to Sow and A Time to Harvest!

Bearbeitet von Kopernikus, 31 Juli 2006 - 20:40.

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