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Star Trek Bücher- Neuerscheinungen 2006

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#1 Kopernikus



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Geschrieben 28 November 2005 - 17:44

September 2006


Crucible, Book 1 of 3: McCoy: Provenance of Shadows
TOS, Band 139
David R. George III

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. . . the lives of three men will be forever changed. In that split second, defined paradoxically by both salvation and loss, they will destroy the world and then restore it. Much had come before, and much would come after, but nothing would color their lives more than that one, isolated instant on the edge of forever.


. . . Leonard McCoy, displaced in time, saves a woman from dying in a traffic accident, and in so doing alters Earth's history. Stranded in the past, he struggles to find a way back to his own century. But living an existence he was not meant to, he will eventually have to move on, and ultimately face the shadows born of his lost life.


. . . Leonard McCoy, displaced in time, is prevented from saving a woman from dying in a traffic accident, allowing Earth's history to remain unchanged. Returning to the present, he encounters a medical mystery he is committed to solving. But the echoes of an existence he never lived haunt him, and the specter of a premature death will bring him full circle to the shadows he has never faced.


Star Trek - Anthologie
Editor: Marco Palmieri

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ince time immemorial, Man has imagined the night sky to be filled with stories: legends of heroes and strange life-forms amidst the very stars. Eternal tales of wonder and mystery, danger and adventure, passion and logic, hope and human nature, they comprise a mythos embedded in the universe itself . . . constant, enduring, and immutable.

Rediscover the mythology of our age on the occasion of its fortieth anniversary, in this scintillating collection of new stories about the original Star Trek ® -- untold voyages of the captain and crew of the Starship Enterprise™ that not only recapture the magic of the world-renowned television series created by Gene Roddenberry, but push beyond it through the writings of:

- Introduction by David Gerrold

- "First, Do No Harm" by Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore

- "The Landing Party" by Robert Greenberger

- "Official Record" by Howard Weinstein

- "Fracture" by Jeff Bond

- "Chaotic Response" by Stuart Moore

- "As Others See Us" by Christopher L. Bennett

- "See No Evil" by Jill Sherwin

- "The Leader" by Dave Galanter

- "Ambition" by William Leisner

- "Devices and Desires" by Kevin Lauderdale

- "Where Everybody Knows Your Name" by Jeffrey Lang

- "Make-Believe" by Allyn Gibson

With an introduction by acclaimed science-fiction author David Gerrold, writer of the classic episode "The Trouble with Tribblesâ„¢," Constellations embarks on a journey into both yesterday and tomorrow . . . and ventures, in grand Star Trek tradition, to worlds beyond time and worlds beyond ken.


TOS, Band 84
Judith und Garfield Reeves-Stevens
Jubiläums-Reprint "40 Jahre Star Trek"

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At last! The long awaited novel featuring both famous crews of the Starship Enterprise in an epic adventure that spans time and space.

Captain Kirk and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701 are faced with their most challenging mission yet--rescuing renowned scientist Zefram Cochrane from captors who want to use his skills to conquer the galaxy.

Meanwhile, ninety-nine years in the future on the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-D, Picard must rescue an important and mysterious person whose safety is vital to the survival of the Federation.

As the two crews struggle to fulfill their missions, destiny draws them closer together until past and future merge--and the fate of each of the two legendary starships rests in the hands of the other vessel...


The Entropy-Effect
TOS, Band 2
Vonda N. McIntyre
Jubiläums-Reprint "40 Jahre Star Trek"

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The Starship Enterpriseâ„¢ is summoned to transport a dangerous criminal to rehabilitation: the brilliant physicist, Dr. Georges Mordreaux, who is accused of promising to send people back in time, then killing them instead. But when a crazed Mordreaux escapes, he inexplicably bursts onto the bridge and murders Captain Kirk before the crew's eyes.

Now Spock must journey back in time to avert the disaster before it occurs. But more is at stake than Kirk's life. Mordreaux's experiments have thrown the universe into chaos, and Spock is fighting time itself to keep the very fabric of reality from unraveling.


Mere Anarchy, Band 2: The Center Cannot Hold
Mike W. Barr

A new six-part epic covering thirty years of Star Trek history, continuing with an adventure that takes place during the historic five-year mission!

by Mike W. Barr

A few years after the disaster on Mestiko, the Payav are struggling to rebuild in the wake of the pulsar's damage. The Starship Enterprise returns with a plan to help restore the planet's atmosphere.

But the Klingon Empire has also taken an interest in Mestiko, and has come to the aid of one of the world's many factions. Captain James T. Kirk finds himself once again pitted against the Klingon commander Kor, with the fate of Mestiko at stake.

A new eBook from the writer of such popular Star Trek comic book epics as "The Mirror Universe Saga" and the Star Trek novel Gemini.


Oktober 2006


Mere Anarchy, Band 3: Shadows of Indignant
Dave Galanter

A new six-part epic covering thirty years of Star Trek history, continuing with an adventure that takes place during the "lost years" following the historic five-year mission!

by Dave Galanter

As Admiral James T. Kirk adjusts to life at Starfleet Operations on Earth, he discovers some shipping irregularities centered around Mestiko. Authorized to go on a fact-finding tour to the planet, Kirk takes along his old friend Dr. McCoy, now a civilian "old country doctor," to investigate.

What Kirk finds is a web of intrigue, complicated by his status as Dinpayav, an outsider. He must convince Raya elMora--now a major player in the ad hoc world government of Mestiko in the years following the disaster--to help him before Mestiko becomes the pawn of someone else's political game...

A new eBook from the author of the Maximum Warp duology.


November 2006


Star Trek Corps of Engineers, Band 8 (ebooks 29-36)
Aftermath: Christopher L. Bennett
Ishtar Rising, Book 1 of 2: Michael A. Martin & Andy Mangels
Ishtar Rising, Book 2 of 2: Michael A. Martin & Andy Mangels
Buying Time: Robert Greenberger
Collective Hindsight, Book 1 of 2: Aaron Rosenberg
Collective Hindsight, Book 2 of 2: Aaron Rosenberg
The Demon, Book 1 of 2: Loren L. Coleman and Randall N. Bills
The Demon, Book 2 of 2: Loren L. Coleman and Randall N. Bill

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Turn the Page
Corps of Engineers, Band 1
Dayton Ward, Kevin Dilmore


Voyages of the Imagination - The Definitive Star Trek Fiction Companion
Jeff Ayers
(Ab Dezember 2006 auch als ebook erhältlich)

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Ships of the Line
Doug Drexler and Margaret Clark (Edt.)

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Dezember 2006


Crucible, Book 2 of 3: Spock: The Fire and the Rose
TOS, Band 140
David R. George III

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Rihannsu, Band 5: The Empty Chair
TOS, Band 145
Diane Duane

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Armed with the revolutionary Sunseed technology, which can destabilize entire stars, a Romulan vessel is warping toward the heart of the Federation. But this offensive comes at a perilous time, as a growing number of Romulan worlds are joining a revolution -- one led by the renegade Commander Ael t'Rllaillieu of the warbird Bloodwing, with the aid of Captain James T. Kirk of the Starship Enterprise. As the threat to Earth looms ever larger, Bloodwing and Enterprise lead an armada toward the Romulan homeworld for a final reckoning that will decide the future of the Rihannsu people.


Rihannsu - The Bloodwing Voyages
TOS-Sammelband (Rihannsu-Subserie, Teil 1-4)
Diane Duane

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They call themselves Rihannsu -- the Declared. To the Federation, they are the Romulans. Born in the twilight years of Vulcan's violent and passionate past, they chose to reign free in the unknown reaches of the space rather than serve under the new tyranny of logic.  Now, after millennia of wars and conquests, their empire is decaying from within, and the Rihannsu's finest military officer -- Commander Ael t'Rllailieu of the warbird Bloodwing -- believes she can save her people only by joining forces with her greatest enemy: Captain James T. Kirk of the Starship Enterprise.  Originally published in four volumes -- My Enemy, My Ally; The Romulan Way; Swordhunt; and Honor Blade -- The Bloodwing Voyages will challenge everything you thought you knew about the Romulans.


Corps of Engineers, Band 2
Robert Greenberger

Bearbeitet von Kopernikus, 02 August 2006 - 09:22.

#2 Gast_Captain Smurf_*

Gast_Captain Smurf_*
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Geschrieben 13 Februar 2006 - 09:24

Hallo,wie kommst Du auf die Bandnummern, z. B. Crucible Band 139? Das würde mich interessieren, da ich eine komplette Buchliste suche. Seit Nr. 97 "In the Name of Honor" wurden - leider - keine Nummerierungen mehr vorgenommen, was ich ehrlich gesagt etwas verwirrend fand. U. a. wurde S. C. E. abgesetzt und wird nun ohne Nummerierung unter anderem, verkaufsträchtigeren Titel, erneut fortgeführt.Viele GrüßeCaptain Smurf

#3 Kopernikus



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Geschrieben 13 Februar 2006 - 17:45

Die Bandnummern entnehme ich aus einer Excel-Tabelle die ich mal erstellt ahbe, als ich angefangen habe die Star Trek Bücher zu sammeln. Dot habe ich die Bände in Erscheinungsreihenfolge aufgelistet und dann durchnummeriert. Das führe ich seit dem so fort, daher kommen diese hohen Nummern zustande. Ich werde die Liste die Tage mal wieder auf den neuesten Stand bringen, ich kann sie dir dann gerne per mail zukommen lassen.Was SCE angeht: Richtig, die monatlichen ebook-Veröffentlichungen werden Ende dieses Jahres eingestellt, die Serie wird aber mit einem neuen Konzept fortgesetzt, ähnliches ist ja fast allen Buchserien passiert, die sog. "Relaunches".

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