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Powers, Tim (US) *1952

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#1 Ulrich



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Geschrieben 06 Juni 2009 - 15:51

Tim Powers (geboren 1952) ist ein US-amerikanischer Science-Fiction-Autor. Er ist bekannt durch seinen Roman "Die Tore zu Anubis Reich" (1983, The Anubis Gates), der mit dem Philip K. Dick Award ausgezeichnet wurde. Im englischen Verlag PS Publishing erschien jetzt ein Büch über ihn und seine Werke erschienen. Powers: Secret Histories a bibliographical cornucopia by John Berlyne PS Publishing, 2009

A book that essentially redefines the term 'bibliography', Secret Histories has been nearly ten years in the making and brings together an astonishing range of Powers ephemera - a huge treat and a remarkable resource for both fans and collectors alike. As well as a complete, illustrated reference of every Tim Powers book published to date, Secret Histories offers an extraordinary insight into the stories behind the stories, collecting together in a single volume Powers material previously seen only in private collections. Here - in print for the very first time - you'll find poetry, drawings, research and plotting notes, novel outlines, early drafts, out-takes and an excerpt from the author's unpublished 1974 novel, To Serve in Hell. Supporting these riches are story notes and commentary by Powers himself and you'll also find articles and essays from collaborators, friends and renowned Powers aficionados including Dean Koontz, Jim Blaylock, China Miéville, Karen Joy Fowler, John Bierer, John Berlyne and William Ashless. Powers: Secret Histories is an unprecedented bibliographic tribute celebrating the work of a truly extraordinary writer.

#2 Ulrich



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Geschrieben 08 Juni 2009 - 00:57

Eine Leseprobe ist online gegangen: http://www.pspublish...web-sampler.pdf

#3 derbenutzer



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Geschrieben 19 Februar 2014 - 06:11

Leider ist die Leseprobe nicht mehr online.

Hier ein Statement von John Berlyne zu Secret Histories:


John Berlyne: Vorwort zu Secret Histories (in deutscher Übersetzung):


(Deutsche Tim Powers Homepage Dirk Bergers)

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