[cpc/media] Suche Illustrationen zu Gibsons Werken
Geschrieben 02 April 2010 - 15:29

Geschrieben 02 April 2010 - 16:32

Bearbeitet von Frank, 02 April 2010 - 16:32.
Geschrieben 04 Juni 2012 - 18:05
Ich besitze den zweiten Band und auch nur den. Wer also den ersten Band hat und ihn unbedingt loswerden will, sage ich nicht nein.

Geschrieben 04 Juni 2012 - 18:15
Geschrieben 04 Juni 2012 - 18:21
Geschrieben 04 Juni 2012 - 22:47
"What today's nationalists and neosegregationists fail to understand," Kwame said, "is that the basis of every human culture is, and always has been, synthesis. No civilization is authentic, monolithic, pure; the exact opposite is true. Look at your average Western nation: its numbers Arabic, its alphabet Latin, its religion Levantine, its philosophy Greek†¦ need I continue? And each of these examples can itself be broken down further: the Romans got their alphabet from the Greeks, who created theirs by stealing from the Phoenicians, and so on. Our myths and religions, too, are syncretic - sharing, repeating and adapting a large variety of elements to suit their needs. Even the language of our creation, the DNA itself, is impure, defined by a history of amalgamation: not only between nations, but even between different human species!"
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