Oder es ist bereits passiert, denn das ist nicht auszuschliessen. Warum und was alles passiert wenn Strahlungen unterschiedlichster Wellenlängen die Erde erreichen, beschreibt der legendäre Wissenschaftler und u.a. Betreiber des The Astronomy Cafe bereits 2015:
"So, we can expect that about 100,000 years after Betelgeuse detonates, and after watching the expanding cloud get bigger for millennia and then seeing it fade away from view, we will have a new reminder of its presence. The plasma cloud and x-rays will enter our solar system and force us to adapt to this new interplanetary situation for the next hundred millennia or more, not because of the particles but because of the x-rays. The high-energy particles will only increase the cosmic ray background in our solar system, and will be of too-low an energy to penetrate our Earth†™s magnetic field...so no cancer risk unless you are an astronaut. The bottom line...But who knows what we will be doing by then! We might have abandoned space travel millennia before the Betelgeuse supernova, or we may not even care because our technology and biology is now utterly immune from such trivial space hazards! Either way, the Betelgeuse Supernova will find us a dramatically different species than what we are now."
Bearbeitet von quanat, 03 Januar 2020 - 09:45.