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#151 My.



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Geschrieben 30 November 2019 - 09:34

27.11.2019 07.01 uhr





[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]DECEMBER 2019[/font]



Eingefügtes Bild

[font="arial, sans-serif;"]POP INVADERS - EXTRA OPENING HOURS[/font]

[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"][font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]Friday, November 29: Black Friday[/font][/font]
The House of Elsewhere's concept store will be open on "Black Friday"  until 8pm. A surprise awaits you at the shop!

[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]Schedules during the Nocturnes[/font]

On Saturday, [font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]December 21[/font], opening is extended [font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]until 8pm.[/font] On Monday, [font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]December 23[/font], our concept store welcomes you until [font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]10pm[/font]. Join us and enjoy a glass of mulled wine while discovering our Christmas gifts selection.



[font="arial, sans-serif;"]FOR FURTHER INFORMATION[/font]



Eingefügtes Bild

[font="arial, sans-serif;"]COLLECTIBLE POSTERS[/font]

[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]Designed by François Schuiten exclusively for "Mondes (im)parfaits", the exhibition's poster is on sale in our museumshops at The House of Elsewhere and Pop Invaders. 

Get a collectible's edition, signed by the artist (50x70cm format for 120.-) or a big size poster (A2 and F4 formats for 10.- to 20.-). This poster is [font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]the [/font][/font]missing piece in your collection!



[font="arial, sans-serif;"]FOR FURTHER INFORMATION[/font]



Eingefügtes Bild

[font="arial, sans-serif;"]CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS[/font]
[font="arial, sans-serif;"][font="arial, sans-serif;"]OPENING HOURS[/font][/font]

[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]Visit the museum during your Christmas holidays with "L'Écho des Cités"! Our interactive device will guide you through the museum's mazes. Play with the exhibition! For a true family experience get the kids' version of "L'Écho des Cités" available in English. The museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 11am to 6pm and will only be closed on December 25, 2019 and January 1st, 2020.[/font]



[font="arial, sans-serif;"]FOR FURTHER INFORMATION[/font]





#152 My.



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Geschrieben 01 Februar 2020 - 13:52

29.01.2020, 11.48 Uhr




Eingefügtes Bild

[font="arial, sans-serif;"]VR DISCOVERY[/font]

[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]February 15th to 23rd[/font]
[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]SecondWorld settles down at the House of Elsewhere to invite you to a virtual reality experience. Discover an astoundingly realistic universe with solo or team games and dive into worlds of pixels for an extraordinary adventure![/font]

[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]Schedule & practical informations[/font]
[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]On registration, from 11 a.m. to 6 pm (except on Monday 17th), duration: 60 minutes, from 7 years old, CHF 45.- per person or CHF 300.- per group (5 to 8 persons / group).[/font]


[font="arial, sans-serif;"]FOR FURTHER INFORMATION[/font]



Eingefügtes Bild

[font="arial, sans-serif;"] SLIME & SAND[/font]
[font="arial, sans-serif;"][font="arial, sans-serif;"]DO IT YOURSELF WORKSHOP[/font][/font]

[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]Tuesday, February 18th[/font]
[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]Handmade toys of yesteryear? Join our workshop to fabricate your own toys, from magic sand to dripping slime. Our secret recipes include surprising ingredients!
[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]Schedule & practical informations[/font][/font]

[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]On registration, two optional hours 10am-12pm[/font] or 2 pm-4pm, from 8 years old, CHF 20.- per child.



[font="arial, sans-serif;"]FOR FURTHER INFORMATION[/font]



Eingefügtes Bild

[font="arial, sans-serif;"]VISIT FOR FAMILIES
Passeport to [font="arial, sans-serif;"]Les Cités obscures[/font][/font]

[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]Sunday, February 23th[/font]
[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]Discover the world of François Schuiten and Benoît Peeters during our fun tours specially designed for families. Explore the exhibition with our tour guide and get your passport to [font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]Les Cités obscures[/font][/font]!

[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]Timetable & practical informations[/font]
[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]On registration, 2pm-3pm, from 6 years old, CHF 5.- (in addition to the entrance)[/font]



[font="arial, sans-serif;"]FOR FURTHER INFORMATION[/font]




#153 My.



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Geschrieben 29 Februar 2020 - 09:57

28.02.2020, 07.00 Uhr





[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]MARCH 2020[/font]



Eingefügtes Bild

[font="arial, sans-serif;"]PLAY'NUM by UNIL GAMELAB[/font]
[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]Board games, role-play and video games crossover. [/font]

[font="arial, sans-serif;"]Friday, 6 March[/font]
[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]Whether you are a beginner or an experienced gamer, grab the opportunity to try something new and unexpected at our Play†™num parties! With their expertise, our game masters will introduce you to unusual gaming concepts and practices. A cocktail awaits all gamers![/font]

[font="arial, sans-serif;"]Schedule & practical information:[/font]
[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]On registration, from 6:30 pm to 10 pm, from 16 years old, CHF 25.- per person[/font]


[font="arial, sans-serif;"]FOR FURTHER INFORMATION[/font]



Eingefügtes Bild

[font="arial, sans-serif;"]CIN&BLABLA[/font]

[font="arial, sans-serif;"]SOYLENT GREEN[/font]

[font="arial, sans-serif;"]Friday, 13 March[/font]
[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"](Re)discover a dystopian movie in the company of an academic specialist from University of Lausanne. The must-see sci-fi movie [font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]Soylent Green[/font][/font] (Richard Fleischer, 1973) will be introduced and commented by Prof. Laurent Le Forestier (UNIL, Department of film studies). Discuss the movie during the subsequent cocktail dinner party.

[font="arial, sans-serif;"]Schedule & practical information:[/font]
[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]On registration, from 6:30 pm to 10 pm, from 16 years old, CHF 25.- per person[/font]


[font="arial, sans-serif;"]FOR FURTHER INFORMATION[/font]



Eingefügtes Bild

[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]CTHULHU-CON[/font]
[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]Saturday's gaming convention[/font]

[font="arial, sans-serif;"]Saturday, 28 March[/font]

[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]The Music of Erich Zann - Roleplay concert performance[/font]
[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]Who is this mysterious Erich Zann? Based on an H.P. Lovecraft short story, this roleplay game takes place along a live concert, where the musicians improvise according to the players' actions! A unique performance not to be missed! [/font]

[font="arial, sans-serif;"]Schedule & practical information:[/font]
[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]>From 6:30 pm to 9 pm, all ages, free of charge; more information

Play†™num - Lovecraft inspired games to discover the world of Cthulhu
Playing cards, board games, video games... If Lovecraft inspired many films and novels, he also contributed to the art of games with his uncanny and strange fiction universe. During this first Cthulhu-Convention at The House of Elsewhere, discover how the master of horror is... playing you! [/font]

[font="arial, sans-serif;"]Schedule & practical information:[/font]
[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]On registration, from 6:30 pm to 10 pm, from 16 years old, CHF 25.- per person; registrations[/font]


[font="arial, sans-serif;"]FOR FURTHER INFORMATION[/font]





#154 My.



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Geschrieben 14 März 2020 - 09:21

Nun hat es auch das Maison d'Alleurs erwischt! Französischer Originaltext --- Chère Madame, Cher Monsieur, Conformément aux directives émises par le Conseil d†™Ã‰tat du Canton de Vaud dans le cadre de la lutte contre la pandémie du COVID-19, la Maison d'Ailleurs, en sa qualité de musée, est contrainte de fermer ses portes. Autrement dit : La Maison d'Ailleurs est fermée du 13 mars au 30 avril prochain. Malgré cette situation - qui sonne comme un (mauvais) récit de science-fiction ! -, toute l'équipe du musée, s'engageant jour après jour pour défendre les vertus de la culture, travaille d'arrache-pied pour trouver des solutions permettant à tous les publics du musée de bénéficier de ses expertises et de profiter de mesures exceptionnelles. Des informations complémentaires suivront dans quelques jours. En ces périodes difficiles, la culture reste, plus que jamais, essentielle au bon fonctionnement de notre société : les espaces culturels sont des lieux qui permettent de s†™informer, de réfléchir, de s†™interroger et de prendre de la distance avec notre vécu. Dans l'attente de vous accueillir à nouveau, prenez bien soin de vous et de vos proches. Marc Atallah et toute l'équipe de la Maison d'Ailleurs Übersetzung via DeepL.com --- Sehr geehrte Frau, sehr geehrter Herr, Gemäss den vom Staatsrat des Kantons Waadt im Rahmen des Kampfes gegen die COVID-19-Pandemie erlassenen Richtlinien ist das Maison d'Ailleurs in seiner Eigenschaft als Museum gezwungen, seine Türen zu schliessen. Mit anderen Worten: Das Maison d'Ailleurs ist vom 13. März bis zum 30. April geschlossen. Trotz dieser Situation - die wie eine (schlechte) Science-Fiction-Geschichte klingt! -, das gesamte Museumsteam, das sich Tag für Tag für die Verteidigung der Tugenden der Kultur einsetzt, arbeitet hart an Lösungen, die es allen Museumspublikum ermöglichen, von seinem Fachwissen zu profitieren und außergewöhnliche Maßnahmen zu ergreifen. Weitere Informationen folgen in einigen Tagen. In diesen schwierigen Zeiten bleibt die Kultur mehr denn je wesentlich für das reibungslose Funktionieren unserer Gesellschaft: Kulturelle Räume sind Orte, die es uns ermöglichen, uns zu informieren, zu reflektieren, uns selbst in Frage zu stellen und uns von unseren Erfahrungen zu distanzieren. Ich freue mich darauf, Sie wieder willkommen zu heißen, passen Sie gut auf sich und Ihre Lieben auf. Marc Atallah und das gesamte Team des Maison d'Ailleurs Übersetzt mit www.DeepL.com/Translator (kostenlose Version)





#155 My.



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Geschrieben 01 April 2020 - 08:49

01.04.2020, 08.00 Uhr





Eingefügtes Bild

[font="arial, sans-serif;"]A BIT OF ELSEWHERE AT HOME[/font]

[font="arial, sans-serif;"]Your "House of Elsewhere" daily shot[/font]
[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]You cannot visit the museum for now, therefore "the House of Elsewhere" will comme to you! Discover the museum's current exhibition, our activities and even a few well-kept secrets about our collection through our online videos.

Subscribe to our Youtube[/font] channel and follow us on Facebook
 to get your daily news feed. Enjoy and share without moderation!


[font="arial, sans-serif;"]FOR FURTHER INFORMATION[/font]



Eingefügtes Bild

[font="arial, sans-serif;"]Postponed and canceled events due to the coronavirus[/font]
[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]Due to the sanitary measures taken by the Swiss authorities to prevent the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, the museum remains closed until 19th April. All scheduled events have been either canceled or postponed. More information below:   [/font]

[font="arial, sans-serif;"]SATURDAY GAMES "CTHULHU-CON": Postponed[/font]
[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]The role play game performance "The Music of Erich Zann" and the Lovecraft special "Play'num" game night, scheduled on 28th March, have been postponed to a later date. We will let you know about it by this summer.[/font]

[font="arial, sans-serif;"]PâKOMUZé: Canceled[/font]
[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]The "Easter Robot Hunt" and both workshops "Insectobots" and "Si ma ville avait des ailes" scheduled from 10th to 26th April have been canceled. The educational easter activities "PâKOMUZé", gathering over 40 museums in the Canton fo Vaud, will not take place in 2020.[/font]

[font="arial, sans-serif;"]Family Guided tour [/font][font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]"Passeport pour les Cités obscures"[/font][font="arial, sans-serif;"]: Canceled[/font]
[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]The guided tour specially designed for kids and families scheduled on Sunday 26th April will not take place. That said, you will have another opportunity to follow it on 25th October.[/font]


[font="arial, sans-serif;"]FOR FURTHER INFORMATION[/font]



Eingefügtes Bild

[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]THE MUSEUM'S VIRTUAL TOUR[/font]
[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]"I Am Your Father!" dematerialized[/font]


[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]Whether you do it with your smartphone, your tablet or your computer, dive into the "Star Wars" universe and its contemporary myths thanks to our virtual tour of the exhibition "I Am Your Father!"

Just as if you were walking through the museum's rooms, (re)discover this temporary exhibition presented at the "House of Elsewhere" in 2018. And if you own a VR headset, your diving will only be more thrilling!

Start here[/font]




Bearbeitet von My., 01 April 2020 - 08:49.

#156 My.



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Geschrieben 09 Mai 2020 - 12:22

07.05.2020, 09.00 Uhr




[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]MAY 2020[/font]



Eingefügtes Bild

[font="arial, sans-serif;"]MUSEUM ACTIVITIES RESUMPTION[/font]
[font="arial, sans-serif;"]Reopening on Tuesday, May 12th[/font]

[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]According to the Swiss authorities lockdown lift's policy, "the House of Elsewhere" will be able to restart its activities [font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]from Tuesday, May 12th[/font][/font]. In order to welcome you in the best conditions, a thorough health plan has been implemented, according to  the Federal Office of Public Health's guidelines.

Our events planned after the reopening have been redesigned to meet the standards of distancing. Thus,  our activities will take place as scheduled: we await you on May 29 for our "Sonoma" (Noodles & Manga evening) and on June 12 for our "Cin&blabla" (screening and conference on the film "Dark City").


[font="arial, sans-serif;"]FOR FURTHER INFORMATION[/font]



Eingefügtes Bild

[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]CONCEPT STORE: EVOLUTION![/font]

[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"][font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]From delivery mode to click & collect, "Pop Invaders" at your service![/font][/font]


[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]During the COVID-19 crisis, our museum shop built up a delivery service and will soon be offering you a selection of its best products online! E-shop rhymes with POP! 

[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]The shop will open on May 11th[/font][/font]. Until then, please contact us though our Facebook page "Pop Invaders"
! It will be our pleasure to take your order!



[font="arial, sans-serif;"]FOR FURTHER INFORMATION[/font]



Eingefügtes Bild

[font="arial, sans-serif;"]YOUR DAILY SHOT OF "ELSEWHERE"[/font]

[font="arial, sans-serif;"]"A bit of Elsewhere at home" gets you out there![/font]

[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]Since March 16th's lockdown, the museum's team brings you insights of "The House of Elsewhere" with keen and entertaining videos. Coming next, more episodes starring special guests! Several artists who have formerly exhibited their work in the museum invite you into their creative space, as a sign of support to the museum.

Subscribe to our Youtube[/font] channel and follow us on Facebook
 to get your daily news feed. Enjoy and share without moderation!


[font="arial, sans-serif;"]FOR FURTHER INFORMATION[/font]





#157 My.



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Geschrieben 29 August 2020 - 13:03

29.08.2020, 10.00 Uhr




Eingefügtes Bild

[font="arial, sans-serif;"]REFINED TOUR[/font]

[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"][font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]Friday, 4th September 7 pm to 10 pm; a tasteful tour[/font][/font]

[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]The House of Elsewhere and Le Restaurant de l†™Hôtel de Ville d†™Yverdon-les-Bains Gerber Wyss invite you for a delightful trip through the exhibition " (Im)perfect Worlds". A very exclusive tour (only 8 guests can enjoy it) in the company of Marc Atallah, the museum†™s director.

Throughout the exhibition, you will be delighted by the incredible dishes specially imagined by the restaurant Hôtel de Ville Gerber Wyss, with its fine section of wines. Still hesitating? Grasp this opportunity to spend a unique moment at the House of Elsewhere.

Last call for registration: Thursday, 3rd September 12 am.

Please note that the tour is given in French.[/font]


[font="arial, sans-serif;"]FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION[/font]



Eingefügtes Bild

[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]TREASURES OF THE HOUSE OF ELSEWHERE[/font]

[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"][font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]Friday, 11th September 6.30 pm to 10pm;[/font][/font] [font="arial, sans-serif;"]dive into the heart of the museum†™s collections![/font]

[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]Follow the museum†™s curator, Frédéric Jaccaud, into an extraordinary voyage through the House of Elsewhere collections. Discover unique items and unusual items from the science-fiction museum hidden treasures. 

Followed by a cocktail party at the Espace Jules Verne.

Please note that the tour is given in French.[/font]



[font="arial, sans-serif;"]FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION[/font]



Eingefügtes Bild

[font="arial, sans-serif;"]READING & CONFERENCE[/font]

[font="arial, sans-serif;"]Friday, 25th September;[/font][font="helvetica, sans-serif;"] take part to a special event and tackle issues on utopia and education [/font]

[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]After reading some passages from Emile Souvestre, Jules Verne and Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi†™s works, we will discuss together what those utopias tell us about educational matters today. The debate will be concluded with a conference by Mrs Sylvie Moret-Petrini (UNIL): « Utopia in practice? Â»[/font]

[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]This event is organized in collaboration with UNIL and the[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"] Centre de documentation et de recherche Pestalozzi[/font][/font].

[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]Please note that the conference is given in French.[/font]


[font="arial, sans-serif;"]FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION[/font]





#158 My.



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Geschrieben 02 November 2020 - 10:17

02.11.2020, 07.59 Uhr




[color=#808080;][font="arial, sans-serif;"]Dear Sir or Madam,
Dear media representatives,

You can download below the press kit of the next temporary exhibitions at the Maison d'Ailleurs: "I is a Monster" & "Rock me Baby" (13.11.2020 - 24.10.2021)[/color]. 

The press conference[/font] will be held on Wednesday, November 11, 2020, from 10:30am, at Maison d'Ailleurs' Jules Verne Space. [font="arial, sans-serif;"]The free opening[/font]
 will be held from Friday, November 13, 2020, 5pm, to Sunday, November 15, 2020, 6pm.

Looking forward to seeing you there,

Best regards,

Marc Atallah
Director of Maison d'Ailleurs
+41 79 552 94 45

[color=#808080;][font="arial, sans-serif;"]Sehr geehrte Medienvertreter und Medienvertreterinnen,

Nachfolgend können Sie die Pressedossier zur nächsten Sonderausstellungen im Maison d'Ailleurs: "Ich ist ein Monster" & "Rock me Baby" (13.11.2020 - 24.10.2021)[/color], herunterladen.

Die Pressekonferenz[/font] findet am Mittwoch den 11. November 2020 um 10:30 Uhr im [font="arial, sans-serif;"]Espace Jules Verne[/font]
 des Maison d'Ailleurs statt. [font="arial, sans-serif;"]Die freie vernissage[/font] findet vom Freitag, 13. bis Sonntag, 15. November 2020, ab 17 Uhr statt.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Kommen.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen,

Marc Atallah
Direktor Maison d'Ailleurs
+41 79 552 94 45


[font="'lucida sans unicode', sans-serif;"][color=#000000;]Download the Press Kit[/color][/font]


[font="'lucida sans unicode', sans-serif;"][color=#000000;]Herunterladen der Pressedossier[/color][/font]




#159 My.



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Geschrieben 28 November 2020 - 14:11

26.11.2020, 09.59 Uhr





Eingefügtes Bild



[color=#606060;][font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]Exhibition "I is a Monster"[/color][/font]
[color=#606060;][font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]Opening - December 1st, 2020 [/color][/font]


[color=#000000;]Following the lifting of health restrictions on cultural places in the Canton of Vaud, we are pleased to announce that you will be able to discover our two new exhibitions, "I is a Monster" and "Rock Me Baby",

[font="helvetica, sans-serif;"] from December 1st, 11 a.m.[/color][/font]

We look forward to seeing you in our museum and celebrating with you the return of culture to our lives!




[color=#000000;][font="arial, sans-serif;"]I IS A MONSTER[/color]

Monsters are surely the most famous characters amongst fantasy and science fiction stories. However, besides the fascination generated by such representations, the question remains as to what these monsters are telling us from the confines of their strangeness. Are these motifs there to merely attract our attention? Or, on the contrary, do they play an essential role vis à vis our humanity, always in a tug-of-war between elsewhere and here?

Thanks to the works exhibited for the first time in Switzerland by the artists Benjamin Lacombe (France) and Laurent Durieux (Belgium), the Maison d'Ailleurs intends to examine how the figure of the monster has evolved through mythology, history and biology, in order to become, in fiction, the mirror of our own monstrosities[/font]



[color=#000000;][font="arial, sans-serif;"]ROCK ME BABY[/color]

Curated and imagined by the Vaudois artist Sébastien Mettraux, this multisite exhibition retraces the long history of the typewriter in the industrial area of Yverdon-les-Bains and Ste-Croix, where the Hermès-Paillard factory used to produce famous typewriters, as the "Hermes Baby"  for a worldwide distribution.

A part of the exhibition settles at the Maison d†™Ailleurs, the science-fiction museum, in order to examine the deep impact that this object left on popular culture, from cinema to literature or video games. Pulp magazines and advertising posters from the museum†™s treasures next to unusual objects such as typewriter prototypes or toys will surely surprise you![/font]




[color=#0000FF;]Eingefügtes Bild[/color]



[color=#606060;][font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]Copyright © * All rights reserved.[/color][/font]

[color=#606060;][font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]Want to change how you receive these emails?[/color][/font]

[color=#606060;][font="helvetica, sans-serif;"]You can [color=#606060;]update your preferences[/color][/color] or [color=#606060;]unsubscribe from this list[/color][/font]


Bearbeitet von My., 28 November 2020 - 14:11.

#160 My.



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Geschrieben 30 November 2020 - 07:03

30.11.2020, 07.00 Uhr





[font="arial, helvetica, sans-serif;"][color=#808080;]Dear Sir or Madam,
Dear media representatives,

You can download below the press kit of the next temporary exhibitions at the Maison d'Ailleurs:
"I is a Monster" & "Rock me Baby"
(01.12.2020 - 24.10.2021)[/color]. 

The press conference will be held on Wednesday, Decembre 9, 2020, from 9:00 am, at Maison d'Ailleurs' Jules Verne Space.

Looking forward to seeing you there,

Best regards,

Marc Atallah
Director of Maison d'Ailleurs
+41 79 552 94 45[/font]



[font="arial, helvetica, sans-serif;"][color=#808080;]Sehr geehrte Medienvertreter
und Medienvertreterinnen,

Nachfolgend können Sie die Pressedossier zur nächsten Sonderausstellungen im Maison d'Ailleurs:
"Ich ist ein Monster" & "Rock me Baby" (01.12.2020 - 24.10.2021), herunterladen.

Die Pressekonferenz[/color] findet am Mittwoch den 9. Dezember 2020 um 09:00 Uhr im Espace Jules Verne des Maison d'Ailleurs statt.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Kommen.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen,

Marc Atallah
Direktor Maison d'Ailleurs
+41 79 552 94 45[/font]


[font="'lucida sans unicode', sans-serif;"][color=#000000;]Download the Press Kit[/color][/font]


[color=#000000;]Register for the press conference[/color]


[color=#000000;]Herunterladen der Pressedossier[/color]


[color=#000000;]Anmeldung zur Pressekonferenz[/color]





Bearbeitet von My., 30 November 2020 - 07:04.

#161 ShockWaveRider


    verwarnter Querulant

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Geschrieben 02 Februar 2022 - 16:00

02.02.2022    14:29



English below / Deutsch unten   85e27afd-949e-caf9-4ec4-5e87a3db2ed7.png
Chère Madame, Cher Monsieur,
Chers représentants des médias,

Vous pouvez télécharger ci-dessous le dossier de presse des prochaines expositions de la Maison d'Ailleurs, "Transformations !" et "Musclor et Les Maîtres de l'univers" (06.02.2022 - 08.01.2023).

Le vernissage aura lieu le samedi 5 février 2022, dès 17h00, à la Maison d'Ailleurs et à l'Aula Magna du Château.

En me réjouissant de vous y voir nombreux,

Meilleurs messages,

Marc Atallah
Directeur de la Maison d'Ailleurs
+41 79 552 94 45

  Télécharger le dossier de presse
Dear Sir or Madam,
Dear media representatives,

You can download below the press kit of the next temporary exhibitions prepared by Maison d'Ailleurs, "Transformations !" and "
He-Man and The Masters of the Universe" (06.02.2022 - 08.01.2023).

The opening ceremony will be held on Saturday, February 5, 2022, from 5 pm, at Maison d'Ailleurs and in the Castle's Aula Magna.

Looking forward to seeing you there,

Best regards,

Marc Atallah
Director of Maison d'Ailleurs
+41 79 552 94 45

Sehr geehrte Medienvertreter und Medienvertreterinnen,

Nachfolgend können Sie die Pressedossier zur nächsten Sonderausstellung im Maison d'Ailleurs, "Transformations !" und "
He-Man und The Masters of the Universe"  (06.02.2022 - 08.01.2023), herunterladen.

Die vernissage findet am Samstag, den 5. Februar 2022, ab 17 Uhr, im Maison d'Ailleurs 
und in der Aula Magna des Schlosses statt.

Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Kommen.

Mit freundlichen Grüssen,

Marc Atallah
Direktor Maison d'Ailleurs
+41 79 552 94 45
Download the Press Kit Herunterladen der Pressedossier   1bf14dd2-4aeb-26eb-8858-479290afd1c0.png  





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