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Neal Stephenson - Termination Shock (16. Nov. 2021)

Neal Stephenson Termination Shock Near Future Klimawandel

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#1 TheFallenAngel



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Geschrieben 07 Mai 2021 - 17:18

The #1 New York Times bestselling author returns with a visionary technothriller about climate change.

Neal Stephenson†™s sweeping, prescient new novel transports readers to a near-future world where the greenhouse effect has inexorably resulted in a whirling-dervish troposphere of superstorms, rising sea levels, global flooding, merciless heat waves, and virulent, deadly pandemics.
One man has a Big Idea for reversing global warming, a master plan perhaps best described as “elemental.† But will it work? And just as important, what are the consequences for the planet and all of humanity should it be applied?
As only Stephenson can, Termination Shock sounds a clarion alarm, ponders potential solutions and dire risks, and wraps it all together in an exhilarating, witty, mind-expanding speculative adventure.

(Verlag: William Morrow, 896 pages) ^^


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