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Valerie J. Long - Lioness' Legacy (Zoe Lionheart) - Englisch

Action Erotik Thriller Science Fiction Space Opera Adventure Zoe Lionheart

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18 Antworten in diesem Thema

#1 Valerie J. Long

Valerie J. Long


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Geschrieben 01 Januar 2013 - 13:33

Valerie J. Long - Lioness' Legacy I - Loser (Zoe Lionheart 12)

Dies ist der Nachfolger und Spinoff der Zoe-Lionheart-Serie.

Während die Lionhearts versuchen, die Invasion unserer Galaxis aufzuhalten, haben die Menschen auf der Erde nur zu gern vergessen, dass auch auf sie noch eine zweite Welle zukommen könnte.

Eine einsame Villa am Meer ist zunächst nur eine interessante Herausforderung für eine geschickte Diebin. Doch wenn der Hausherr zu einem weltweit operierenden Verbrechersyndikat gehört, ist es nicht ratsam, sich erwischen zu lassen. Leider lernt Jo dies zu spät – so etwas passiert einer Verliererin eben.

Das englische E-Buch, erschienen bei eXtasybooks:
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© eXtasybooks, Recht zur Verwendung zwecks Marketing bei der Autorin Valerie J. Long

Das deutsche E-Buch, erschienen bei smashwords:
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© Valerie J. Long

Viele Grüße und frohes neues Jahr,

Bearbeitet von Valerie J. Long, 01 Juli 2013 - 17:35.
(c)-Hinweise ergänzt; Titel hereingezogen

#2 Valerie J. Long

Valerie J. Long


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Geschrieben 01 April 2013 - 12:05

Valerie J. Long - Lioness' Legacy II - Loonie (Zoe Lionheart 13)
Meine jüngste englischsprachige Fortsetzung Eingefügtes Bild

To boldly go where no sane girl has ever gone before

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© eXtasybooks, Recht zur Verwendung zwecks Marketing bei der Autorin Valerie J. Long

Lioness' Legacy II—Loonie (Zoe Lionheart Book 13)

The village is a fortress, but the walls are invisible—deadly radioactive contamination. The people inside haven’t seen a policeman for decades. The strongest rule, as simple as that. Women are traded for entertainment. Not the best place for a pretty female thief to be caught in the action…Only a lunatic would accept this challenge.
Johanna—or short, Jo—no longer regards herself a loser. She’s a successful whore, thief, gambler. But her game is dangerous, outright lunatic—more and more often she sets out to cause trouble for the worldwide organized crime, called the Cartel, only to go into hiding again. How long can that work?

I must be a total lunatic. That thought suddenly shot through my mind, and I paused in my movement. My nude body clung tight to the building’s mirror-like face. With nothing more than the suckers at my finger and toe tips, I stuck like a gecko almost three hundred meters above the ground on the outside wall of the Frostdragon corporate skyscraper. I must be a total lunatic. However, of course my climb made sense.
The four-hundred-and-seventy-six-meters high building was practically impenetrable for a burglar. The main and rear entrances were well guarded, just as the accesses to staircases and elevator shafts were. The roof held a landing pad for helicopters or Tigershark planes with perfect surveillance. In between, the building was wrapped in panes of diamond-hardened armor glass, almost without grooves, only interrupted by finger-sized openings for the antennas of metal and motion detectors. Glass cutters were useless—there was no way through! But far above, at four hundred thirty-eight meters, there was a maintenance access for the illuminated company name. If you could get out there, you could get in there, too. At least, I assumed so—I’d have to have a look once I arrived there.

Bearbeitet von Valerie J. Long, 17 Mai 2013 - 08:12.
(c)-Hinweis ergänzt

#3 Valerie J. Long

Valerie J. Long


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Geschrieben 27 Mai 2013 - 07:30

Review für Lioness' Legacy - Loonie (Deutsch: Das Erbe der Löwin - Verrückt)

REVIEW: Loonie by Valerie Long
Loonie by Valerie J. Long
Length: Novel (long)
TBR Reviewer: Brutally Honest
Rating: 4 stars – Recommend Read.
Heat: 4 – An Erotic Ride.
I was pleasantly surprised by this book. I wasn’t sure if I was ready to commit to such a long story but right away I was swept up by the authors description and very unique additions such as nano’s and chameleon like skin. Jo, as she’s referred to, is a former prostitute turned successful thief. Now she’s on a mission that she may not return from. As a character, I found Jo fascinating with great depth. The plot was well paced and I really liked the uniqueness of the story. It was a bit jumpy at times from scene to scene. The author did a fabulous job with the world building, spot on, and it really made the book that much more captivating.

Loonie is a book I’d definitely recommend and Valerie Long is an author I’ll be looking out for!

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#4 Valerie J. Long

Valerie J. Long


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Geschrieben 01 Juli 2013 - 17:33

Valerie J. Long - Lioness' Legacy III - Lover
Der dritte Teil der Erbe-Trilogie ist jetzt auch in englischer Sprache erschienen.

Call her Velvet - freelance secret agent for her own cause

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Lioness' Legacy III - Lover (Zoe Lionheart Book 14)

Jo is fed up with playing games. Hiding and running away can’t protect her from the Cartel’s stalking. She decides to raise the stakes and venture herself on a search for the ruling board of the worldwide-operating crime ring. But her enemies don’t play by the rules. They play a special card, and Jo must face her death.


”Ey, Claw.”
Claw? Automatically, I checked my fingertips. No, there was no trace of my golden claws, only ten ordinary if perhaps too long and pointy fingernails. So the blond young man in leggings and long tee shirt only saw a hot young woman in me?
Young—yes, of course. I could account for forty-one springs now, and that it didn’t show surely wasn’t owed to my way of life. With my short one-and-a-half meters and my toned body, I’d pass as twentyish, and my braless tits had always attracted male attention.
Okay, so I was a hot claw for this guy in front of me, who could well be my son. For that he deserved a smile. “Yes, sweetie.”
With one hand, I pointed to the free chair at my table. He placed his coffee mug down and let himself drop on the seat. “I like you, Claw.”
“I see that, sweetie.”
“Well, and what about us?”
Good question. The most recent rapes by the cops lay only one day behind. Was I already interested in sex again? Or at least ready to tolerate a firm rod? Tolerate mentally, that is, because I could always be wet and ready—another side effect of my enhancement.
To my amazement, I discovered, yes, I was ready. Yes, I wanted to live. Yes, I wanted to feel my aliveness with all senses. Yes, I wanted simple, unrestrained sex without domination rituals and without the subtext of a useful partnership, without the unpleasant circumstances of a rape, and without the business context of my primary profession of prostitution, but simply out of a spontaneous feel of affection.
I glanced straight into his eyes. “Are you ready for unconditional passion, sweetie? For lust without mercy? For the ride of your life?”
He returned my glance with expectantly widened pupils. “Claw, if you’re looking for this kind of ecstasy, I’m your man.”

“What do you do, Claw?”
Stealing. Like Robin Hood, I took from the rich and gave to the poor—that is, to me. Fucking for money. Poker. Always alert, always on the run from the Cartel that mustn’t learn about my true identity. And more recently, also hunted by Japanese Dragon cultists. But all that applied until yesterday.
I’ve had enough of running away from the Cartel and the cultists. A life lived in fear is a life never lived. What good had it done me? Could I feel safe? No. Did I live well? No. Often, I had enough money for lunch, for clothes, for a decent hotel bed—but did I sleep peacefully? Did I have friends? A home? Comfort, security? A future?
There were no safe places left for me, so I didn’t have to look for them.
“Some people have bothered me. Perhaps I should bother them back.” I read doubts in his features. “I’m good at bothering people.”
“Okay, I won’t say a thing. Angry April wasn’t taller than you, either. Well—who bothered you then? I have a friend with the cops, so perhaps I can do something for you?”
“The cops are at the very top of my list.”

#5 Valerie J. Long

Valerie J. Long


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Geschrieben 01 Oktober 2013 - 16:44

Valerie J. Long - Lioness' Legacy IV -Torment
Dies ist der vierte Teil der Erbe-Serie.

She brings bright light to humanity's darkest hour

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Lioness' Legacy IV - Torment (Zoe Lionheart Book 15)

Organized crime has suffered another drawback, but the masterminds are still well established. Politicians are helpless against the world-spanning organization that has secured the monopoly on Dragon technology. Should Jo leave it to mankind to shake off this yoke, or should she risk her life again for others who wouldn't lift a finger for her sake?

I didn't expect problems on my way, either. Nevertheless, I remained alert, most importantly during the occasional comfort stops. As a rule, a grim glance or a clear No sufficed to dissuade the men from bad ideas. Perhaps the skull on my belt helped, too.
Only once it didn't stop at a brief test of glances. During my lunch break--T-bone steak with potato wedges, beans, onions, and salad--several truckers were whispering behind my back. Did they believe I wouldn't hear them?
"That must be her."
"The Velvet. Short, black hair, black leather, mercilessly sexy. And dangerous."
"And valuable."
"What do you mean?"
"The bounty. Ten grand."
"No--ten million. A lot of dough."
"And? Want to earn it?"
"No, never."
"Why? It's worthwhile."
"First, I don't believe that you can keep the money for long. They don't like witnesses. And second, I don't want to be close when it comes to a confrontation."
"Mmm--I think I'd like to confront her one day."
"Do you think you can score with her?"
"If I show her my bone, she'll be mine."
"You're dreaming."
At this point, I sadly had to direct my concentration on another piece of noise near the entrance door.
"...roadhouse, yeah exactly. No, her plate's still full, she'll stay for another while. If you hurry up, you can get her--me? No, I stay out of it. That's not my pay grade, honestly--yesyes, I'll keep an eye on her--I'll see that she won't notice. Just hurry up, yes?"
I turned my knife so that I could see the mirrored door on the blade. Ah, there was the guy with the mobile phone. A smart, twentyish snot with ducktail and golden chain, pale leggings without proper content, and a leather jacket on top. He probably considered himself cool.
How much time did I have left, what did I have to expect, what should I do?
There were surely a few minutes left, as the Cartel couldn't have anyone ready so close by--and if so, they'd be Tom, Dick, and Harry and not specialists.

#6 Valerie J. Long

Valerie J. Long


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Geschrieben 28 November 2013 - 18:13

Valerie J. Long - Lioness' Legacy IV -Torment
She brings bright light to humanity's darkest hour

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...und All Romance EBooks präsentiert jetzt einen Auszug, der viel zu heiß für deutsche Foren ist.
Kann man so was verlinken?
Nur versteckt.

#7 MoiN



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Geschrieben 28 November 2013 - 20:40

Wenn man den Text dem Google-Übersetzer anvertraut, wird man seine wahre Freude haben! Das ist dann sozusagen die "entschärfte" Version . Eingefügtes Bild Eingefügtes Bild

(gemeint ist: Englisch -> Deutsch)

Bearbeitet von MoiN, 28 November 2013 - 20:40.

πάντα ῥεῖ


Büchermarkt ...druckfrisch...dlr lit  ...Verena ... Dana ...swrwi ...brwi ..   .A I N

#8 Valerie J. Long

Valerie J. Long


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Geschrieben 29 November 2013 - 16:10

Wenn man den Text dem Google-Übersetzer anvertraut, wird man seine wahre Freude haben! Das ist dann sozusagen die "entschärfte" Version . Eingefügtes Bild Eingefügtes Bild

(gemeint ist: Englisch -> Deutsch)

Na jaaa, es ist auch dann noch nicht jugendfrei, nur in gerade noch verständlicher Form verstümmelt.

#9 Valerie J. Long

Valerie J. Long


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Geschrieben 01 Januar 2014 - 13:17

Valerie J. Long - Lioness' Legacy V - Treason
Dies ist der fünfte Teil der Erbe-Serie.

Don't try to cheat a woman who doesn't play by the rules.

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Lioness' Legacy V - Treason (Zoe Lionheart Book 16)

For her crimes, Jo is sentenced to prison for life. She knew it would be no vacation-but what she encounters there is worse than her wildest imagination. So she should be open to an offer, shouldn't she? But what if her allies play a wicked game with her?

With this action, I attracted the attackers†™ attention and fire on me for the moment, away from the ROS†™ men who†™d stand no chance against these plasma weapons. However, as I was in no mood for catching a direct hit, I doubled over a few times on my approach.
Nevertheless, some of the sun-hot projectiles came uncomfortably close. That wasn†™t good, not at all!
I didn†™t need my Analogy†™s warnings to know that these tactics†™ usefulness was extremely short-lived. No, I wasn†™t inclined to remain a target.
I initiated a sideways move, thereby dodging two more plasma shots, instead collected a badly aimed machine pistol salvo†”ouch, that knocked!†”and then jumped the opposite direction with activated camouflage.
An opportunity to get my bearings†”here, before the house, I had to deal with ten persons from two vans, two of them armed with plasma rifles, four with machine pistols, four with normal pistols. I couldn†™t spot the other cars, nor could I instantly discover Davide†™s men.
That was good, as they had better keep their heads down. For this kind of game, I was better equipped.
A giant leap carried me between the attackers. This is war, I remembered, and we can†™t accommodate prisoners yet. So I extended my claws.
A few seconds later, ten men were lying in their own blood. What now?
Shots and cries of pain from the buildings†™ rear clarified where I was needed.
Although I ran at top speed, I arrived too late for two of Davide†™s men, who had tried to prevent the Mafia henchmen from entering the building. Big, scorched holes demonstrated that you should respect plasma rifles.
Their murderer was already on his way inside, past the restrooms. I jumped into his neck. My sharp claws severed his cervical bones and demonstrated that you should respect Velvet.
His two conventionally-armed partners shared his fate. Only then did I listen again. No more shots.

#10 Valerie J. Long

Valerie J. Long


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Geschrieben 01 April 2014 - 16:55

Valerie J. Long - Lioness' Legacy VI - Threat
Dies ist der sechste Teil der Erbe-Serie.

She may be nude, but she’s never unarmed.

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Lioness' Legacy VI - Threat (Zoe Lionheart Book 17)

In her own eyes, Jo deserved a few days of luxurious vacation on the Côte d’Azur. Moreover, a little gambling should improve her funding. She hadn’t expected to encounter a sore loser. Even less had she expected the appearance of a new special unit of organized crime that quite soon could become a threat to her plans. To stay ahead of her opponents, she must enter the ZONE again, and this time she can’t expect to escape from there unhurt.

“Hello, Dimitri!”
The addressed had found a spot in the green with a view on the casino entrance. Now he flinched, thereby lost the support of the tree he had been leaning on, and stumbled two steps to the side with little elegance before he regained his balance.
“What?” he uttered. “You!”
With a grin, I turned and walked away. Dimitri hurried after me, caught up with me after a few steps, and firmly grabbed my arm.
“Hey!” I protested, turned once around under his arm, and thus forced him to release me.
He stared at me angrily, tried to grab me once more, but I backed off swiftly. “Hands off! Looking, not touching, clear?”
Of the three requests, he only observed the second—he looked at my skimpy shorts and the strapless top. Two times more I dodged his attempts, then he reached under his jacket with one hand. “Wait, slut!”
That was the cue for my retreat. Gravel sprayed away under my flat soles, behind me another curse sounded, and then I heard his steps quickly following me.
Such a Catch me if you can could be funny, only he had a gun and little reservations about using it. Behind me, it barked once, twice, and the hot lead chirped close past me.
I doubled over into the bushes, crossed over the fence with its rusty iron thorns and dashed across the street. Dimitri served another shot after me, and then he had to climb.
To not shake him off right away, I feigned short breath. Soon he was after me, shot again, and I saved myself with a jump behind a corner.
So the hunt continued, inevitably leading downhill and thus toward the sea, where I only had the choice of which direction I’d follow along the harbor. I opted for the way toward the harbor master—and thereby toward Fjodor’s yacht—and lured Dimitri further after me.
He shot again—the bang was reflected by the buildings and rang far over the yachts of the rich and beautiful. This surely was the last sound desired to be heard here. It caused a lot of attention, and not only with Fjodor’s guards. But they couldn’t miss my approach either, and they could guess just as easily as I, what their boss would do with them if they simply let me pass the mooring. So they tried to cut off my way.
That had an advantage, too—Dimitri no longer shot, at least not currently, in order not to hit his guards. I pretended to not have noticed the three yet, as only this way was it plausible to continue running their way, and made a terrified face only at the last moment.
The only way out now led over the extended stairs of a neighboring yacht, and I took this way without hesitation. Behind the dark and mirroring windows, I could see the shapes of people who didn’t dare to come on deck, and who quickly ducked their heads when the first pistol round left an ugly spiderweb pattern in the would-be bulletproof glass.
Only a heavy caliber could cause such damage, and such a caliber would hurt me despite my armor, I computed, so it was better to avoid any hit. While the next shots rang, this time from several guns, I jumped into the water.
Then, one of the bullets painfully grazed my heel. Ouch!

#11 Valerie J. Long

Valerie J. Long


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Geschrieben 10 April 2014 - 17:43

Valerie J. Long - Lioness' Legacy VI - Threat
... gibt es jetzt auch bei Amazon.

She may be nude, but she’s never unarmed.

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Lioness' Legacy VI - Threat (Zoe Lionheart Book 17) bei Amazon

#12 Valerie J. Long

Valerie J. Long


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Geschrieben 01 Juli 2014 - 16:35

Valerie J. Long - Lioness' Legacy VII - Tracked
Dies ist der siebte Teil der Erbe-Serie.

She’s Velvet—the mention of her name makes hard-boiled criminals wet their pants.

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Lioness' Legacy VII - Tracked (Zoe Lionheart Book 18)

The time has come to put Johanna’s plan to work, but at the same time, her opponents zero in on her. How can she assemble her team if her pursuers won’t leave her alone anywhere? Worse, how can she protect innocents from being hurt as collateral damage?

It was nice to lean into a strong man and not have to worry about anything. My ambitious plans could wait. Here and now, they didn’t matter.
Scrubby disappeared behind a hummock toward the river with bobbing tail. What was wrong about it?
The evening before I had casually jumped into the water to get our dinner. Rod hadn’t said anything about it, although he knew as well as I that the entire coast was croc country.
The omnipresent warnings were no empty threat—while I had been submerged, I had felt the vibrations of a large animal upriver, exactly in the direction Scrubby was running to now.
Jerkily, I rolled forward, thereby tearing myself free from Rod’s arm, and dashed forward.
“Hey!” he called after me while I was already jumping across the hummock.
Scrubby stood at the bank drinking, his forepaws in the water. Only a light ripple that didn’t match the regular current gave the reptile’s fast approach away.
The dog had no chance, but neither did the saltwater crocodile. I was faster than both. In full run, I snatched the dog up and out of the closing jaws’ trajectory, doubled over to dodge the second attack, too, jumped over a fallen log, and then ran on landward.
The log put the primeval creature off further pursuit. With threateningly opened jaw, it simply stayed lying there.
Only now did Scrubby overcome his terror and start barking. His master barely reached the hummock, spotted the scaly monster and froze.

#13 Valerie J. Long

Valerie J. Long


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Geschrieben 02 Juli 2014 - 10:22

Im ARe Cafe habe ich mich ein wenig über die Entstehung meiner Bücher ausgelassen:

#14 Valerie J. Long

Valerie J. Long


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Geschrieben 02 August 2014 - 17:29

Die ersten vier englischen E-Bücher gibt es jetzt im Paket zum halben Preis:

Lioness' Heart, Lioness' Blood, Lioness' Skin, Lioness' Wings im Paket

Die Aktion ist allerdings befristet.

#15 Valerie J. Long

Valerie J. Long


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Geschrieben 24 August 2014 - 15:11

Die Aktion wurde jetzt abgelöst durch die nächsten Bände:

Lioness' Bride, Lioness' Combat, Lioness' Dream, Lioness' Pack und Lioness' Crusade im Paket

Auch diese Aktion ist befristet.

#16 Valerie J. Long

Valerie J. Long


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Geschrieben 01 Oktober 2014 - 18:04

Valerie J. Long - Lioness' Legacy VIII - Teacher
Dies ist der achte Teil der Erbe-Serie.

She brings light into darkness—with her fists, if necessary.

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Lioness' Legacy VIII - Teacher (Zoe Lionheart Book 19)

If Johanna offers herself as bait, her friends should be safe from her opponents’ stalking, she thinks. Sadly, her plan works too well. Her opponents plan to seize everything she’s been fighting for. They send out teams to kill Johanna—where death would still be a merciful fate for her. Can Johanna bear this burden in the long run?

They were two, and they were good—only not good enough for me, although they hadn’t made any mistake.
They behaved like two ordinary young men who were ordinarily and unobtrusively interested in attractive women. So they appreciatively took notice of my very scanty bikini and then turned to the younger people. Each time we met, they gave my tits an interested glance, now and then even my crotch, their erectile bodies showed appropriately interested reactions, and they were kindly smiling. Their talks dealt with women, sports, beer, and cars.
They didn’t talk about the number one topic—the insidious tried kill of an Australian war heroine by US Navy fighters. Why not?
They both avoided even any eye contact with another, older man, and this other man was truly good—without the two boys, I’d never have noticed him.
He played the typical older man who didn’t know what to do with himself, and at the same time nourished no hopes to score with the young ladies with his scarce pension. In this role, he was perfect.
As perfect as I was in my role. I played myself, Johanna alias Velvet, who tried to hide among the vacationers on Mission Beach and at the same time enjoy some dolce vita after the last days’ events. This included the stay at an expensive boutique resort, the regular nightly consumption of male lovers, and the daytime beach chilling.
I could have made an effort to visit him some night and shake him down. It wouldn’t have helped me, because he wasn’t my problem.
My problem was the other perfect hunter, the one the two young men hadn’t known about, either. Until he shot a bullet through my head.

#17 Valerie J. Long

Valerie J. Long


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Geschrieben 01 Januar 2015 - 14:31

Für kurze Zeit gibt's die ersten drei Bände "Lioness Legacy" direkt beim Verlag zum Schnäppchenpreis:


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Life is hard and unfair†”the most adaptable can survive anywhere, even a born loser. Who said a loser has to be fair?
A remote villa at the sea is an interesting challenge for a skilled thief in the first place. But if the landlord belongs to a worldwide-operating crime syndicate, it†™s not advisable to get caught. Sadly, Jo learns about this too late†”such just happens to a loser.
So she finds herself in a cell with a lot of time to contemplate her own life and how she arrived in her current situation. Will that give her a clue on how to escape?

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To boldly go where no sane girl has ever gone before
The village is a fortress, but the walls are invisible†”deadly radioactive contamination. The people inside haven†™t seen a policeman for decades. The strongest rule, as simple as that. Women are traded for entertainment. Not the best place for a pretty female thief to be caught in the action†¦Only a lunatic would accept this challenge.
Johanna†”or short, Jo†”no longer regards herself a loser. She†™s a successful whore, thief, gambler. But her game is dangerous, outright lunatic†”more and more often she sets out to cause trouble for the worldwide organized crime, called the Cartel, only to go into hiding again. How long can that work?

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Call her Velvet - freelance secret agent for her own cause

Jo is fed up with playing games. Hiding and running away can†™t protect her from the Cartel†™s stalking. She decides to raise the stakes and venture herself on a search for the ruling board of the worldwide-operating crime ring. But her enemies don†™t play by the rules. They play a special card, and Jo must face her death.

#18 Valerie J. Long

Valerie J. Long


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Geschrieben 02 Juli 2015 - 16:39

Valerie J. Long - Lioness' Legacy IX - Terminator
Mit dem neunten Teil ist die Erbe-Serie vollständig.

If Jo has learned one thing, it†™s that life†™s never fair.

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Lioness' Legacy IX - Terminator (Zoe Lionheart Book 20)

Her sister-in-arms†™ violent death shook Johanna to the core. Now she needs to regain her strength while old and new enemies get in position around her. She ventures on a trip for leisure and self-discovery and quickly finds herself at war with organized crime. How can she protect those innocents between the lines from paying dearly?

The most dangerous opponents were, due to their weapons†™ range, the spear wielders, and due to his obvious professional fighting stance, probably the nunchaku man.
I could reach him and one spear wielder together, so the other would have to wait. Only one thorny mace was in my way.
I blocked his first blow with my left arm, pressed him, and tried a strike at his throat†”which he parried with his left. That guy was good!
Nevertheless, he writhed and wheezed when my kick hit his balls. The following blow that drove his nasal bone into the brain was just a formality, but cost me valuable time.
Only at the last moment could I dodge the incoming spear†”and had to watch out, as its bearer tried to get me with the barbs when he pulled back, attempting to tear my supporting leg†™s skin apart.
I already jumped up though, and still leaning on the dying mace wielder, took the opportunity to kick the spear shaft out of its trajectory and thus attack the spear wielder directly.
He wouldn†™t make it that easy for me. He parried well, retreated, and tried to get the spear blade between us again. That alone wouldn†™t have been a problem for me, but from the side, a skillfully operated nunchaku swung against me.
Katsumi had already thrown one blackjack down and was attacking the other spear wielder, pressed by two maces. That wasn†™t good, either.
I had to dodge the nunchaku and closely approach the spear wielder so that he couldn†™t use the tip, and at the same time prevent him from pulling the spear back. There was only one practical way†”I grabbed his arm and pulled it forward, turned my back on him, made a hump†”and threw him into the nunchaku man.
My Analogy warned me†”I ducked downward-sideward and kicked behind, battered my foot into the remaining blackjack-wielder†™s solar plexus and thus pushed him backward into a group of tables.
For a short moment, I was free, but my three opponents were far from done.
Katsumi fared alike. One of his opponents†”a mace wielder†”writhed on the floor, but the other three had surrounded him in a semicircle, and his left arm was lightly bleeding from a thorny mace†™s hit.
We met back to back in the free area in the room center.
“You†™re not finished yet?† I teased him.
“Nor are you.†
“I†™m still playing with mine.†
“So am I.†
“Well then.†

#19 Valerie J. Long

Valerie J. Long


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  • 3.506 Beiträge
  • Geschlecht:unbekannt
  • Wohnort:Wiesbaden

Geschrieben 12 Juli 2015 - 16:46

Valerie J. Long - Lioness' Legacy IX - Terminator
Mit dem neunten Teil ist die Erbe-Serie vollständig.

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Auch mit einem oder mehreren dieser Stichwörter versehen: Action, Erotik, Thriller, Science Fiction, Space Opera, Adventure, Zoe Lionheart

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